Home / Dr Abdelmounaim Lahrech / Research Activities
“Toward more rigorous country brand assessments: The Modified Country Brand Strength Index” With K. Juusola and M. Al Ansaari, forthcoming, International Marketing Review
“Top executives’ perceptions of the inclusion of corporate social responsibility in quality management” With S. Neri, A. Pinnington and H. Al-Malkawi, Business Ethics: A European Review, (2019), Vol. 28, No.4, 441-458
“The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Moroccan Exports: A gravity model approach”. With A. Faribi, H. Al-Malkawi and K. Sylwester, African Journal of Economics and Management Studies, (2019), 10 (1), 102-115
“Health care professionals’ social media behavior and the underlying factors of social media adoption and use: Quantitative study” With J. Hazzam, J Med Internet Res, (2018) Nov 07; 20(11)
“Transparency and Performance In Islamic Banking: Implications on Profit Distribution”, With N. Lahrech and Y. Boulaksil, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Issue 1 (2014) 61-88
“The impact of NAFTA on North American stock market linkages”, with K. Sylwester, North American Journal of Economic and Finance, 25 (2013) 94-108
“US and Latin American stock market linkages”, with K. Sylwester, Journal of International Money and Finance, 30 (2011) 1341-1357
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