Home / Professor Christopher James Hill / Research Activities
Hill, C., Abu-Ayyash, E., and Charles, T. (2023). By Nature, a Social Animal: An Exploration of Perceptions of Online Group Work Cambridge Journal of Education (Q1 SJR 0.828 H Index 63) https://doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2023/2206795
Hou, A. Y. C., Hill, C., Justiniano, D., Yu Lin, F., Lu, G. (2022). The battle for legitimacy of “student engagement” in external quality assurance of higher education from Asian QA perspectives- A rhetoric, in practice or just a cultural reflection? Journal of Asian Public Policy (Q2 SJR 0.38 H Index 13) https://doi.org/10.1080/17516234.2022.2092385
Hou, A. Y. C., Lu, G., Hill, C. (2022). What has been the Impact of COVID-19 on Driving Digitalization, Innovation and Crisis Management of Higher Education and Quality Assurance? – A Taiwan Case Study in Alignment with the INQAAHE Virtual Review. Higher Education Policy (Q2 SJR 0.64 H Index 42)
Hou, A. Y.C. Hill, C., Hu, Z. and Lin, L. (2022). What is driving Taiwan government for policy change in higher education after the year 2016 – in seach of egalitarianism or pursuit of academic excellence? Studies in Higher Education Vol. 47(2) 338-51. (Q1 SJR 1.89 H Index 83)
Hou, A. Y. C., Hill, C., Justiniano, D., Yu Lin, F., Tsai, S. (2022). Is employer engagement effective in external quality assurance of higher education? – a paradigm shift, or QA disruption from quality assurance perspectives in Asia. Higher Education (Q1 SJR 1.09 H Index 27). https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2018.1553496
Hill, C. and Lim, C.B. F. (2021). Sustainability of transnational education: learning from Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council Quality in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 0.74 H Index 40). https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2021.1987889
Hussein Abdallah, R., Abdat, R., and Hill, C. (2021). The Extent of Implementing the Characteristics of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at the UAE Special Education Centres. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 20(4), 265-283. (Q3 SJR 0.23 H Index 8) https://doi.org//10.26803/ijlter.20.4.14
Hou, A.Y.C., Hill, C., Chan, S.J., Chen, D.I-R., Tang, M. (2021). Is Quality Assurance Relevant to Overseas Qualification Recognition in Asian Higher Education? Examining Regulatory Framework and the Roles of Quality Assurance Agencies and Professional Accreditors. Journal of Education and Work (Q2 H SJR 0.4 Index 38) https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2021.1922618
Hou, A.Y.C., Hill, C., Ince, M., Yu Lin, F., & Chen, E. (2021). A Preliminary Exploration of Crisis Management Approach on Higher Education and Quality Assurance in Taiwan under COVID-19 Pandemic: Can it be implemented in other contexts? Journal of Asian Public Policy (Q2 SJR 0.38 H Index 13) https://doi.org/10.1080/17516234.2021.1919390
Hou, A.Y.C., Hill, C., Justinianoi, D., Yang, C., and Gong, Q. (2021). Relationship between Employability and Higher Education from Global Ranker and Accreditor‘s Perspectives – Does a gap exist between Institutional Policy Making and Implementation in Taiwan Higher Education? Journal of Education and Work (Q2 H SJR 0.4 Index 38) https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2021.1922619
Solomon, D. and Hill, C. (2021). Postgraduate Students’ Experiences and Perspectives on Transformation of Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Education. Education and Training (Q1 SJR 0.75 H Index 62). https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ET-05-2020-0122/full/html
Hill, C. and Sughnani, N. (2021). Student Motivations for Studying at International Branch Campuses: A study of TNE engagement in Dubai, Quality in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 0.74 H Index 40). https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1867034
Hill, C. and Thabet, R. (2021). Publication Challenges facing Doctoral Students: Perspective and Analysis from the UAE, Quality in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 0.74 H Index 40). https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1867036
David, S.A. and Hill, C. (2021). Curriculum Innovation for Postgraduate Programmes: Perspectives of Postgraduate Learners International Journal of Innovation and Learning (Q3 SJR 0.28 H Index 23). https://ideas.repec.org/a/ids/ijilea/v28y2020i3p297-316.html
Hou, A. Y. C., Hill, C., Guo, C.Y., Tsai, S., and Justinianoi, J. (2020). A comparative study of relationship between the government and national quality assurance agencies in Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan: policy change, governance models, emerging roles Quality in Higher Education https://doi.org/10.1080/13538322.2020.1778613 (Q1 SJR 1.09 H Index 27)
Hill, C. and Mohammed, M. (2020). The challenges of conducting qualitative research: Practical lessons from the field Journal for Researching Education Practice and Theory 3(1), 84-116.
Hou, A. Y. C., Hill, C., Hu, Z., and Yu Lin, F., (2020). What is driving Taiwan Government for policy change in higher education – in search of egalitarianism or pursuit of academic excellence? Studies in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 1.89 H Index 83) https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2020.1744126
Hill, C., Hell, S. and Van Cauter, K. (2019) The Challenges and Approaches to Internationalisation in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam: challenges and approaches Studies in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 1.89 H Index 83) https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2019.1680966
Cheong, K.C., Yin-Ching, L., Hill, C. (2019). Pulling in one direction? Stakeholder perceptions of employability in Malaysia. Studies in Higher Education (Q1 SJR 1.89 H Index 83) https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2019.1654449
Tsiligiris, V. and Hill, C. (2019). A prospective model for aligning educational quality and student experience in international higher education, Studies in Higher Education 46(2) (Q1 SJR 1.89 H Index 83) https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2019.1628203
Abu-Ayyash, E. and Hill, C. (2019). The Impact of Integrating Technology into Students’ Presentations on Peer Evaluation in Higher Education, Education and Information Technologies 24(6) doi:10.1007/s10639-019-09936-w (Q1 SJR 0.6 H Index 31)
Hou, A. Y.C.,Yu Kuo, C., Hui-Jung Chen, K., Hill, C., Ren Lin, S., Chun-Chi, J.C., & Chi Chou, H. (2018) The Implementation of Self-Accreditation Policy in Taiwan Higher Education and Its Challenges to University Internal Quality Assurance Capacity Building Quality in Higher Education Vol. 24(3), 238-259. DOI: 10.1080/13538322.2018.1553496 (Q1 SJR 1.09 H Index 27)
Cheong, K.C., Hill, C., Yin-Ching, L., Zang, C. and Zang, Z. (2018). Parents just don’t understand. Generational Perceptions of Education and Work, Higher Education Evaluation and Development Vol 12(2), 85-98. https://doi.org/10.1108/HEED-06-2018-0016
Hill, C. and Lawton, W. (2018). Universities, the digital divide and global inequality Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management Vol 40(6), 598-610. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360080X.2018.1531211 (Q1 SJR 0.81 H Index 36)
Hill, C. (2018). Creating a Flipped-Reversed Classroom Model in Dubai: Blended Reflective Learning for e-portfolio development. EEL Conference Proceedings. Print ISSN: 2251-1814.
Hou, A. Y.C., Hill, C., Hui-Jung Chen, K., Tsai, S. (2018). A Comparative Study of International Branch Campuses in Malaysia, Singapore, China and South Korea: Regulation, Governance and Quality Assurance Asia Pacific Education Review. August 2018, pp.1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-018-9550-9 (Q2 SJR 0.37 H Index 23)
Hill, C. and Thabet, R. (2018). Managing International Branch Campuses: Lessons Learnt from Eight Years on a Branch Campus in Malaysia International Journal of Educational Management Vol. 32 Issue: 2, pp.310-322. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-04-2017-0079 (Q2 SJR 0.41 H Index 44)
Hou, A. Y. C., Hill, C., Hui-Jung Chen, K., Tsai, S., Wang, W., Chen, V. (2017). A Comparative Study of Student Mobility Programs in SEAMEO-RIHED, UMAP and Campus Asia – Regulation, Challenges and Impacts on Higher Education Regionalization. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 12-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/HEED-08-2017-003
Cheong, K.C., Hill, C. Yin-Ching, L. (2016). Malaysia’s Education Policies and the Law of Unintended Consequences Journal of International and Comparative Education Vol. 5 Issue 2, pp. 73-85. November 2016 DOI: 10.14425/jice.2016.5.2.73
Cheong, K.C., Hill, C. Yin-Ching, L. and Zang, C. (2016). Employment as a journey or a destination? Interpreting Graduates’ and Employers’ Perceptions – A Malaysian Case Study. Studies in Higher Education pp. 1-17 DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1034260
Cheong, K.C., Hill, C. et al. (2015). Employing the Unemployable: Employer perceptions of Malaysian Graduates. Studies in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1034260 pp 2253-70.
Hill, C., Cheong, K.C., Yin-Ching, L., and Fernandez-Chung, R. (2013). TNE: Transnational Education or Tension between National and External? A Case Study of Malaysia, Studies in Higher Education Vol 39, No. 6, pp.952-966.
Miles, R., Al-Ali, S., Charles, T., Hill, C., & Bligh, B. (eds.) (2021). Technology enhanced learning in the MENA region: Introduction to the Special Issue. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.21428/8c225f6e.df527b9d
Technology Enhanced Learning in the Middle East: Teachers’ Perspectives. Charles, T. and Hill, C. (eds.). Scholars’ Press (2023)
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit. Hill, C., Lin, C-Y., and Lai, H-Y. Springer (December 2022)
The Evolution of Transnational Education: Pathways, Globalisation and Emerging Trends. Hill, C., Lamie, J. and Gore, T. Routledge (December 2021)
Importing Transnational Education – Capacity, Sustainability and Student Experience from the Host Country Perspective. Tsiligiris, V., Lawton, W. and Hill, C. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan (January 2021)
Integrity in Education for Future Happiness. Khan, Z.R., Hill, C., & Foltynek, T. (eds.). Mendel University Press, CZ (December 2020)
Curriculum Innovation and Transformation: Studies on Design, Discourse and Development David, S.A., & Hill, C. (eds.), (Beau Bassin: Scholar’s Press, April 2020)
Education in the Asian Century: The European Legacy and the Future of Transnational Education in the ASEAN Region. Hill, C. and Fernandez-Chung, R. (eds.). (Routledge, Oxford: January 2017)
The Role of Elites in the Spanish Transition to Democracy (1975-1981): Motors of Change? Hill, C. (Edwin Mellen, New York: September 2007)
Hou, A. Y. C., Hui-Jung Chen, K., Chan, S.J., Hill, C., Hu, Z. (2023). Exploring Emerging Governance Models of Transnational Research Partnership and the Influence of Science Globalism Under the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Longitudinal Study of a PIRE Project in Taiwan and the USA. In: Hou, A.Y.C., Smith, J., Mok, K.H., Guo, CY. (eds) Crafting the Future of International Higher Education in Asia via Systems Change and Innovation. Higher Education in Asia: Quality, Excellence and Governance. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1874-4_6
Dyer, J., Reza Khan, Z., and Hill, C. (2023). Assessing Students Online – Enablers and Barriers to Using e-Proctoring and Alternative Methods. Sonja Bjelobaba, Tomas Foltynek, Irene Glendinning, Veronika Krasnican, Dita Henek Dlabolova (eds) Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies and the Role of Students. (Springer, January 2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16976-2
Hassock, L., and Hill, C. (2022). Employability and Employment: The Role of Higher Education in a Rapidly Changing World in B. Ng (ed.) Higher Education and Job Employability. (Springer Cham: Switzerland 2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05716-8
Yung-Chi Hou, A., Hill, C. (2021). What Are the Challenges for Building World Class Universities in Taiwan? Assessing Taiwan’s Excellence Initiatives Since 2005. Higher Education in Taiwan. (Springer, December 2020) DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-4554-2_5
Thabet R.A., Hill, C., Gaad, E. (2020). Perceptions and Barriers to the Adoption of Blended Learning at a Research-based University in the United Arab Emirates. Al-Emran M., Shaalan K., Hassanien A. (eds) Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. (Springer June, 2020) https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-47411-9_16
Hill, C. and Nwerian, R. (2020). Evolving university partnerships for sustainable development. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: University partnerships for sustainable development. Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P. and Yarmin, T.S. (eds). (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, June 2020).
Hill, C. (2018). The Challenges inherent in providing a truly international doctoral experience: The Malaysia Nottingham Doctoral Programme in Exporting Transnational Education: Institutional Practice, Policy and National Goals. Tsiligiris, V., and Lawton, W. (eds.) (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018)
Lao, R. and Hill, C. (2017). The Legacy of European Education in Thai Higher Education, in Education in the Asian Century: The European Legacy and the Future of Transnational Education in the ASEAN Region. Hill, C. and Fernandez-Chung, R. (eds.) (Oxford: Routledge 2017)
Hill, C. (2014). Doctoral Supervision in the Cross-Cultural Arena in Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education: Global Perspectives. Brown, S. ed. (London: Palgrave, 2014)
Hill, C. (2014). Re-defining TNE: The Challenges and Opportunities of Internationalisation in Global Education: Knowledge-Based Economies for 21st Century Nations. Going Global Stiasny, M. and Gore, T. (eds.) (London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014)
Hill, C. (2013). Developing and Supporting the Internationalisation of Research Capacity. Handbook of Research on Transnational Education Management. Mukerji, S. and Tripathi, P. (eds.). (IGI Global, 2013).
Hill, C. (2012). Origins, Challenges and the Future Direction of Transnational Education in Malaysia in C. Ennew and D. Greenway (eds.) The Globalization of Higher Education (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
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