Research Activities 

Journal Publications

Mir, F.A. & Rezania, D. (2023). Project leader’s interactive use of controls, team learning behaviour and IT project performance: The moderating role of process accountability. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 44(6), 742-770.

Pinnington, A., Mir, F.A., & Ai, Z. (2023). The significance of general skills training for early career graduates: Relationships with perceived organizational support, job satisfaction and turnover intention. European Journal of Training and Development, ahead-of-print.

Blaique, L.; Salim, T., & Mir, F.A. (2023). Does human capital mediate the relationship between digital competence and service innovation capability? Evidence from UAE during Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Innovation Science, ahead-of-print.

Blaique, L.; Salim, T., Mir, F.A., & Omahony, B. (2022). The impact of social and organization capital on service innovation capability during covid-19: The mediating role of strategic environmental scanning. European Journal of Innovation and Management, ahead-of-print.

Mir, F. A. & Rezania, D. (2022). From interactive control to IT project performance: Examining the mediating role of stakeholder analysis effectiveness. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 18(5), 727-751.


Mir, F. A. & Rezania, D. (2021). The interactive use of management control systems and information technology project performance: A conceptual framework. Accounting Perspectives, 20(4), 441-826.

Mir, F. A. Rezania, D., & Baker, R. (2020). Managing change in pluralistic organizations: The role of normative accountability assumptions. Journal of Change Management, 20(2), 123-145.

Mir, F.A. & Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: Linking Project Management Performance and Project Success. International Journal of Project Management, 32 (2), 202-217.


Conference Papers and Proceedings

Menon, K & Mir, F.A. Psychological capital and innovative work behaviour of self-initiated expatriates: The mediating role of expatriate adjustment and knowledge sharing behaviour. European Academy of Management conference (EURAM 2023), 14-16 Jun.

Al Marri, K., Mir, F.A., David, S. Aljuboori, A. (2023). BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2022: Multidisciplinary Studies. Springer Nature.

Bettayeb, A. & Mir, F.A. Organizational resilience capacity and firm competitive performance. A dynamic capability approach. European Academy of Management conference (EURAM 2021), 16-18 Jun.

Mir, F. A., & Rezania, D. IT project performance: The role of the interactive use of management control systems. European Academy of Management conference (EURAM 2019), 26-28 Jun.

Bowring, M., & Mir, F.A. Building leadership capability to foster SME Collaboration: Lessons from the Ontario food value chain. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), 2019, St. Catharines, Canada, May 24-27.

Mir, F. A., Rezania, D. & Baker, R. Leading change in pluralistic organizations: Role of accountability values. International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values Conference, 2018, Trieste Italy, July 1-4.

Mir, F. A. & Rezania, D. The Impact of interactive use of management control systems on it project performance: A conceptual framework. Paper presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, 2018, Toronto, Canada, May 27-29.

Mir, F. A., Rezania, D., & Baker, R. Leading change in pluralistic organizations: Role of normative accountability assumptions. Paper accepted for inclusion in proceedings and presented at the 2018 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 27-29.

Mir, F. A., Rezania, D., & Baker, R. Managing institutional pluralism: A phenomenon driven research on organizational change. Paper presented at Alternative Accounts Conference 2018, HEC Montreal, Canada, May 11-12.

Mir, F.A. & Pinnington. A.H. The impact of Project management performance on project success. International Conference on Global Project Management Standards and Methodologies, Dubai UAE, Feb 2012

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