Home / Dr Mohamed Yacine Haddoud / Research Activities
Hatoum, H. Haddoud, M.Y. & Mordi, C. (2023) The Contextual Embeddedness of Female Entrepreneurship: Investigating the Influence of Macro and Motherhood Factors In Bahrain. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Accepted. (ABS2, SJR Q1).
Haddoud, M. Y., Kock, N., Onjewu, A. K. E., Jafari-Sadeghi, V., & Jones, P. (2023). Technology, innovation and SMEs’ export intensity: Evidence from Morocco. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191, 122475. (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Onjewu, A. K. E, Hussein, H, Haddoud, M.Y. (2022) The Interplay of E-commerce, Resilience and Exports in the Context of COVID-19. Information Systems Frontiers. In Press (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Lopez, C, Haddoud, M. Y, Kasturirante, D. (2022). Revisiting the Innovation-Export Entry Link through a Configuration Approach. Journal of Business Research. In Press. (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Onjewu, A. K. E, Haddoud, M. Y, Uchenna T.O, Dongmei, C, Nowiński, W. (2022). Dissecting the Effect of Family Business Exposure on Entrepreneurial Implementation Intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. In Press. (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Laouiti, R, Haddoud, M.Y, Nakara, W.A, Onjewu, A.K.E. (2022). A gender-based approach to the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research. In Press (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., Al-Azab, M. R., & Elbaz, A. M. (2022). The psychological drivers of entrepreneurial resilience in the tourism sector. Journal of Business Research. In Press (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Knight, H, Haddoud, M.Y., Megicks, P. (2021) Determinants of Corporate Sustainability Message Sharing on Social Media: A configuration approach. Business Strategy and the Environment. In Press. (ABS3, SJR Q1).
Ammeer, M. A., Haddoud, M. Y., & Onjewu, A. K. E. (2021). A personal values view of international entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. In Press. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., & Nowiński, W. (2021). Environmental commitment and innovation as catalysts for export performance in family firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121085. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., Nowinski, W., & Jones, P. (2021) Determinants of SMEs’ export Entry: A systematic Review 2010-2020. Journal of Business Research (ABS3, SJR Q1). Forthcoming.
Nowiński, W., Haddoud, M. Y., Wach, K., & Schaefer, R. (2020). Perceived public support and entrepreneurship attitudes: A little reciprocity can go a long way!. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 121, 103474. (ABS4, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., Nowinski, W., & Alammari, K. (2020). Assessing the role of entrepreneurship education in regulating emotions and fostering implementation intention: evidence from Nigerian universities. Studies in Higher Education, 1-19. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Jones, P, & Newbery, R. (2020). Export Intention in Developing Countries: A Configuration Approach to Managerial Success Factors. Journal of Small Business Management. In Press. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Elbaz, A. M., Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., & Abdelhamied, H. H. S. (2019). Grievance handling in Egyptian hotels and travel agencies. Annals of Tourism Research, 76, 214-225. (ABS4, SJR Q1)
Garcia, E., Moizer, J., Wilkins, S., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2019). Student learning in higher education through blogging in the classroom. Computers & Education, 136, 61-74. (SJR Q1, IF=5.9)
Nowiński, W., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2019). The role of inspiring role models in enhancing entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research, 96, 183-193. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M. Y., & Beaumont, E. (2019). Post-materialistic values and entrepreneurial intention–the case of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 158-179. . (ABS2, SJR Q1)
Elbaz, A. M., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2018). Nepotism, Employees’ Competencies and Firm Performance in the Tourism Sector: A Dual Multivariate and Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach. Tourism Management, 67, 3-16. (ABS4, SJR Q1)
Newbery, R., Lean, J., Moizer, J., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2018). Entrepreneurial identity formation during the initial entrepreneurial experience: The influence of simulation feedback and existing identity. Journal of Business Research. Forthcoming (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Nowinski, W. Jones, P, & Newbery, R. (2018). Determinants of Export performance and Regularity: Evidence from a developing country. Thunderbird International Business Review. 61(1), 43-60. (ABS2, SJR Q2)
Haddoud, M. Y., Jones, P, & Newbery, R. (2018). Investigating the moderating role of Export Promotion Programmes using evidence from North-Africa. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 14(2/3), 282-308. (ABS2, SJR Q2)
Haddoud, M. Y., Jones, P., & Newbery, R. (2018). Motivating nonexporters to go abroad: Investigating the role of government using evidence from a developing country. Strategic Change, 27(4), 417-429. (ABS2, SJR Q2)
Wong, A. Haddoud, M. Y. et al (2018). Examining the key determinants towards online pro-brand and anti-brand community citizenship behaviours: a two-stage approach. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 118(4), 850-872. (ABS2, SJR Q1)
Alghamdi, A. Elbeltagi, I. Elsetouhi, A and Haddoud, M. Y. (2017) “ Antecedents of continuance intention of use of internet banking in Saudi Arabia: new integrated model” Strategic Change Journal. 27(3), 231-243. (ABS2, SJR Q2)
Elbaz, A. M., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2017). The role of wisdom leadership in increasing job performance: Evidence from the Egyptian tourism sector. Tourism Management, 63, 66-76. (ABS4, SJR Q1)
Nowiński, W., Haddoud, M. Y., Lančarič, D., Egerová, D., & Czeglédi, C. (2017). The impact of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and gender on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in the Visegrad countries. Studies in Higher Education, 1-19. (ABS3, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Jones, P, & Newbery, R. (2017). Export promotion programmes and SMEs’ performance: exploring the network promotion role. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 68-87 (ABS2, SJR Q1)
Haddoud, M. Y., Jones, P, & Newbery, R. (2017). SMEs’ Export Propensity in North-Africa: A Fuzzy c-means Cluster Analysis. Accepted in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (ABS2, SJR Q1)
Drakopoulou Dodd, S., Drakopoulou Dodd, S., Jones, P., Jones, P., McElwee, G. & Haddoud, M. Y. (2016). The price of everything, and the value of nothing? Stories of contribution in entrepreneurship research. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23(4), 918-938. (ABS2, SJR Q1)
Elsetouhi, A., Elbeltagi, I., & Haddoud, M. Y. (2015). Intellectual capital and innovations: is ibyanational capital a missing link in the service sector?. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(02), pp. 1-29 (ABS2, SJR Q2)
Haddoud, M., & Newbery, P. J. (2015). Regional Trade Agreements and Developing Countries’ Trade Performance: Evidence from Algeria and the European Union Association Agreement. Journal of North African Research in Business, 2015, a1-16.
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