Programme Structure

Module Code
Module Title
Taught Modules
Research Methods Training Modules
RES604 Qualitative Research Method and Paradigms 100
RES605 Quantitative Methods
RES606 Research Design and planning
Subject Study Modules
MGT609 Business Excellence 40
MGT610 Global Management
Subject Study Modules
choose any 2 Elective Modules:
MGT611 Financial Analysis & Strategy

MGT613 Case Studies in Organisational and Institutional Change

PDBA602 Innovation Theories/Models and Entrepreneurship

MGT604 Organisation, Projects and Sustainability

MGT601 Management of Knowledge in Projects

MGT605Project Dynamics and Complexity

MGT602 Managing Large Programmes

MGT608 Evolutionary Research Themes in Project Management

(PhD in Business Management students can select either
  • 2 PhD Business Management elective modules or
  • 1 PhD Business Management and 1 PhD Project Management elective module.)
Total credits required for degree completion

The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 279 1400


Email: [email protected]