Gulf Collaborative International Conference on Special education

The Gulf Collaborative 2nd International Conference on Special Education

The Gulf Collaborative 2nd International Conference primarily aims to examine important issues which are common concerns for the development and delivery of special education across the Gulf States.The conference targets researchers, teachers, academicians, experts, leaders and Ph.D. students to present, discuss, and share issues of common interest within the field of special education initiatives.

The conference will provide an International platform where professional practitioners can share radical knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers focusing on special education creativity and innovation that boosts teaching performance and capacity, including increasing special education students learning score.

Sessions and Workshops are delivered in Arabic except Professor Mel Ainscow’s sessions are delivered in English, but they are accompanied by an Arabic translation.

The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 279 1400


Email: [email protected]