Doctoral Training Centre

Doctoral Training Centre

Welcome to the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC)

The DTC serves as a central department dedicated to the development of research activity and output at The British University in Dubai. Through close collaboration with academic faculties and central administration, the DTC offers a comprehensive and systematic training and development programme for students at all levels, with a special focus on the training needs of our doctoral students. Through a combination of training courses, workshops, presentations, discussion groups, seminars and conferences, the DTC promotes research activity, supports student development, and seeks to enhance the value and relevance of The British University in Dubai’s contribution to both academia and the community at large.

A vast majority of our students pursue their studies on a part-time basis, while juggling careers, families and other responsibilities. The DTC is committed to providing tailored support to help these students develop relevant skills and knowledge. As many students come from different educational backgrounds, we offer guidance to ensure that their work aligns with the standards followed at The British University in Dubai.

DTC Services

We offer a range of services including but not limited to:

—  Conducting a combination of core workshops on developing research skills

—  Offering specialised training in software packages used for research

—  Offering specialized workshops to doctoral students to assist in their doctoral journey

—  Providing one to one support, as needed, on areas related to DTC workshops

—  Arranging annual BUiD Doctoral Research Conference (BDRC)

—  Publication support

—  Proofreading facilitation

Further details about some of the services are as follows:

Core Training Workshops

The DTC provides access to core workshops for all postgraduate and undergraduate students at The British University in Dubai.  These workshops are available throughout the academic year and are offered on multiple occasions and times to suit the diverse needs and expectations of our student body. Some examples are:

—  Referencing, acknowledging sources & avoiding plagiarism

—  Writing introductions, definitions, conclusions & abstract

—  Writing literature review

These workshops focus on key skills and competencies and are relevant to all research students.  Registration for all workshops is through the university Blackboard system and students are emailed with details of new workshops and registration processes.


Doctoral Training Courses

In addition to the core training workshops, customized research training courses for doctoral students are offered throughout the year that aim to cover key areas of relevance and value, such as how to write and publish research, proposal defence and viva defence preparation skills etc. The courses reflect the various stages of PhD development and are targeted and offered accordingly.


Proofreading Services

The DTC is the academic unit at The British University in Dubai responsible for the management of proofreading services offered to students. Proofreading is now a mandatory requirement in the submission of final assessments for students registering on post graduate programmes from September 2022 and beyond. For more information on proofreading services students can contact the DTC at [email protected]


BUiD Doctoral Research Conference (BDRC)

The BDRC is an annual interdisciplinary academic event developed to share research being conducted at the university, as well as, for students to be exposed to international research being conducted at our alliance universities. The main aim of this conference is to provide a platform for our students to share research amongst themselves, receive scholarly feedback and network professionally. The conference proceedings are published in Springer and indexed by Scopus.


The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 279 1400


Email: [email protected]