BUiD signs a collaborative agreement with Al Tafaouq Al Elmi

On 25 February, BUiD signed a collaborative agreement with Al Tafaouq Al Elmi to deliver the certification programmes of the Global Innovation Institute (GInI®) in Dubai. Through this agreement, participants will have access to GInI® various professional certification programmes and accreditation in the field of innovation. With this agreement, BUiD will add 5 more programmes to its suite of professional training programmes delivered at its campus through the Professional Development and Examination Centre.

All of GInI® certificates and accreditation reflect the most current methods, trends, and strategies in innovation leadership. GInI® aims to advance individual careers and transform organisational achievements by advancing the profession of innovation leadership.

Al Tafaouq Al Elmi is an UAE based training and consulting provider that provides world-class services in Talent Assessment, Professional Coaching and Business Innovation. Al Tafaouq Al Elmi is fully authorised by Global Innovation Institute (GInI®) to deliver all of GInI’s certifications-based training, assessments, endorsements and other related innovation offerings.

The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 279 1400


Email: [email protected]