BUiD students win two of The 3rd UAE Student Awards for Postgraduate Education 2020

BUiD Students won two of the 3rd UAE Student Awards for Postgraduate Education 2020. These Awards are designed for recognising outstanding Masters and PhD students in the UAE. BUiD students won two awards out of the four Awards presented to individuals in recognition of their exceptional research achievements.

Fatma Alsulaimani, MSc. Sustainable Design of the Built Environment graduate, won the Award for her research about testing and evaluation of smart irrigation system towards smart landscaping in UAE.

Mohamed Mahboob, PhD in Architecture and Sustainable Built Environment student, won for his research about the significance of the human factor on the traffic accidents of taxi drivers in the emirate of Dubai.

Congratulations to both students and to all those who took part.

The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

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