BUiD’s Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer participates in the AHUA Spring Conference
Hugh Martin, Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer, represented The British University in Dubai at the AHUA Spring Conference2022 which was hosted by the University of Glasgow, one of BUiD’s UK partners. The AHUA Spring Conference is the main annual conference of the Association of Heads of University Administration.
Hugh Martin is the international spokesperson for the AHUA and sits on its Communications Forum. At the conference he presented an initiative to share AHUA members’ expertise with the media through a series of training and nominated spokespeople.
The conference included informative workshops and sponsor sessions as well as inspiring keynotes. The conference covered key topics such as the state of HE post-pandemic, freedom of speech, cyber security, organisational wellbeing, and creating and leading innovation. High profile speakers included Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, Nicola Dandridge CBE, Chief Executive of the Office for Students, Heidi Fraser-Krauss, Chief Executive Officer of JISC, and Professor Mary Stuart CBE, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln.
The Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA) is the representative body for senior University managers (Deputy Vice Chancellors, Registrars, Chief Operating Officers, Heads of Administration) in the United Kingdom and Ireland, with Associate Members in other countries. The AHUA has 190 members from 140 institutions. BUiD was the first international member of the AHUA.
The AHUA aims to represent the collective views of members on key issues and policies to the higher education (HE) sector, government and other stakeholders. It also brings together members to exchange information, share knowledge and experience, and to develop colleagues who aim to fill senior roles in higher education.
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