Research Activities

Journal Articles

Gaad, E. (2015). The Teacher Assistant Progamme Across The UAE: Empower To Include. Journal of International Education Research, vol.11 (1), p. 57-62.

Gaad, E. (2014). Sports and young women with intellectual disabilities in the UAE:  A Case Study, under review in, Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health.

Alborno, N. E., & Gaad, E. (2014). ‘Index for Inclusion’: a framework for school review in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Special Education, vol. 41 (3), pp. 231-248.

Almotairi, M. & Gaad, E. (2014). Attitudes of Kuwaiti Teachers and Head Teachers Towards Persons with Disabilities and their Inclusion in Mainstream Government Schools. Ain Shams University Educational Journal, vol. 15.

Gaad, E. (2014). Assessing the Needs of People with Disabilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. Journal of Education and Vocational Research, vol. 4 (10) ,pp. 331-338. (ISSN 2221-2590)

Gaad, E. (2014). Look who’s coming to school: the Emirati student voice in an intervention‐based study on inclusion of learners with intellectual disabilities in Emirati mainstream government schools. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.

Al-Sinani, Y., Benn, T., Al-Ansari, M., & Gaad, E. (2013). Exploring provision and practice of physical education and gender equity across four Arab Gulf countries. International Sports Studies’, vol.35 (2), pp. 3 – 21.

Benn, T., Gaad, E., AlSenani, M. & Y., Alansari, (2013). Exploring the effects of  contexts of provision and practice for girls and women in physical education in the GCC Countries. Umm al Qara Curriculums and Supervisions Studies, University of Umm al Qora University, Mekka, KSA, vol. 35 (2), pp. 3-21.

Gaad, E. & Almotairi, M. (2013). Inclusion Of Student With Special Needs Within Higher Education In UAE: Issues And Challenges. Journal of International Education Research (JIER), vol.9 (4), pp. 287-292.

Alborno, N & Gaad, E. (2012). Evaluation of the Implementation of a Policy for  Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Dubai: A case study. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, vol.9 (2), pp. 103-111.

Gaad, E., & Thebet, R. (2009). Needs Assessment For Effective Inclusion in United Arab Emirates’ Government Schools. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social science, vol. 4 (6), pp. 158-173.

Randeree, K., & Gaad, E. (2008). Views on the “Knowledge Economy Project” of the Arabian Gulf: A Gender Perspective from the UAE in Education and Management. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, vol.8 (2), pp. 69-77.

Arif, M., & Gaad, E. (2008). Special Needs Education in the UAE:  A Systems Perspective, Journal for Research in Special Educational Needs,vol. 8 (2), pp.111–117.

Gaad, E., & Khan, L. (2007). Primary Mainstream Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs in the Private Sector: A Perspective from Dubai. International Journal of Special Education,vol.22 (2), pp. 95-109.

Gaad, E. (2006). The Social and Educational Impacts of the First National Down Syndrome Support Group in the UAE. Journal for Research in Special Educational Needs, vol. (3), pp. 134-142.

Gaad, E., & Arif, M., & Scott, F. (2006). Systems Analysis of UAE Education System. International Journal of Educational Management, vol.20 (4), pp. 291-303.

Sartawi, A., & Gaad, E., & Alghazo, E., & Tibi, S. (2005). Restructured Special Education Program: Standards and Accreditation. Special Education Academy Journal, vol. 7, pp. 201-226.

Gaad, E. (2005). Crossing the Barriers: Culturally Diverse Teachers Teaching in Culturally Diverse Mixed Abilities Classrooms in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, vol.5 (5), pp. 1-10. ISSN 1447-9532 (print), 1447-9583 (online).

Gaad, E. (2005). Including Students with Exceptional Learning Needs in Regular Schools in the United Arab Emirates: Enabling regular primary schools to meet the needs of all learners. International Journal of Diversity in Nations, organizations, and Communities, vol. 4, pp. 159-165. ISSN: 1447-9532 (print), ISSN: 1447-9583 (online).

Gaad, E. (2004). Pre-service teachers attitudes towards a career in special education in the United Arab Emirates. College Student Journal, vol. 38 (4), pp. 619-632.

AlGhazo, E., & Gaad, E. (2004). General Education Teachers in the United Arab Emirates and their Acceptance of the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, vol. 31 (2), pp.94-99.

Gaad, E. (2004). Cross cultural perspective on the effect of cultural attitudes towards inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 8 (3), pp. 313-328.

Gaad, E. (2003). Meeting the exceptional learning needs in the regular classroom in the United Arab Emirates: A teacher preparation perspective. Proceedings of  Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium International Conference, 21-23 October 2003: College of Education Journal, UAE University, UAE.

Gaad, E., & Amin, I. (2002). Using Computer in educating first grad deaf students in the United Arab Emirates. Faculty of Education Journal, vol. (19), pp.53-63 , United Arab Emirates University, U. A. E.

Gaad, E. (2001).  Educating Children with Down Syndrome in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Special Education,vol. 28 (4), pp.195-203.


Gaad, E. (2010). Inclusive education in the Middle East. London, NY: Routledge.

Gaad, E.  (2001). Communication with the Mentally Challenged. Dubai: Dar El. Kalam. (A book In Arabic).

Book Chapters

Gaad, E. (2010). ‘A Case Study on United Arab Emirates: Women, Disability and Sport’, in T. Benn, G. Pfister, H. Jawad (eds). Muslim Women and Sport. London: Routledge .

Gaad,  E. (2003). ‘Education of Exceptional Children’ (Co-editor with  Staff of Department of Special Education, UAE University -In Arabic),  UAE:United Arab Emirates University Press

Conference papers

Gaad, E. (2014). Assessing the Needs of People with Disabilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. 4th International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE). Thailand. 1-2 February.

Gaad, E. (2013).The Teacher Assistant Programme Across The UAE: Empower To Include. The 2013 Key West International Education Conference. Florida, USA. 18- 20 March. (Presentation and paper was published in a refereed journal).

Gaad, E. (2012). Inclusion of students with special needs within higher education in UAE: issues and suggestions. European Academic Conference.Rome, Italy. 6 – 8 June. (included in the conference proceeding).

Gaad, E. (2011). INDEMAJ: A Research-based Evaluative Report on the 1st Pilot Project on Using Technology to Support at Risk Learners in a Government School in an Emirati Rural Area. The 2011 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering FECS’11. Las Vegas, USA.

Gaad, E. (2011).  Inclusion of students with special needs within higher education in UAE: issues and challenges. 3rd regional conference on Special education. UAE University, UAE.

Gaad, E. (2009). Assistive technology and schooling people with SEN, The 2009 Global Summit on Technology and Innovation in Education. Dubai, UAE. 15-19 April.

Gaad, E., (2009).Comparative Study on Inclusion in physical education/school sport in the Gulf Council Countries, by Dr Yousra Al-Sinani (Oman), Dr Mona Al-Ansari (Bahrain), Dr Eman Gaad (UAE), Dr Tansin Benn (UK). Paper presented by Professor Benn. 16th IAPESGW Congress. University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. 16-19 July.

Gaad, E. (2009). Needs Assessment For Effective Inclusion in United Arab Emirates’ Government Schools, 8th International Interdisciplinary Social science. Athens, Greece. 5-8 July.

Gaad, E. (2009). 5th International Conference on Developmental Disabilities, Jeddah, King Faisal Hospital & Pr. Salman Institute for Disability Research. Hilton Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 6-8 April.

Gaad, E. (2009). Trans-disciplinary model in early intervention: A perspective from Dubai. UNICEF International Conference on Early intervention and education, Amman. 15-17 March.

Gaad, E. (2008). 2008 Global Summit on Education for All. Washington, D.C. USA. September 19-20.

Randeree, K., Gaad, E. (2008). Management and Education in the K-Economies of the Arabian Gulf: A Gender Perspective, The Eighth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations.Montreal, Canada. 17 – 20 June.

Gaad, E. (2008). Assistive technology and the management of inclusive education for students with special needs: A perspective from Dubai,IAMOT, 17th International Conference on the Management of Technology,Dubai, UAE. 6-10 April.

Gaad, E. (2007). 4th  international conference on early age intellectual disabilities: Using social inclusion as a preparation for Early intervention . 2-5th April. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Gaad, E. (2007). Cultural Attitudes Towards Special Needs Education as a Teaching Profession in the United Arab Emirates, ACCESS Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Gaad, E. (2006). Effects Of Cultural Attidues And Parctices On Special Needs Education As A Teaching Profession In The United Arab Emirates, London Institute of Education, University of London, London. 3-6 May.

Gaad, E. (2006). The Social and Educational Effects of the First National Down Syndrome Support Group in the United Arab Emirates, 9Th World Down Syndrome Congress, Vancouver, Canada. 22-26 August.

Gaad, E. (2006). A.B.L.E. UAE  and the role in collaboration amongst public and private schools to enable inclusion of students with special needs in regular classroom settings: Dubai International Rehabilitation 2006, Dubai, UAE. March 7-9.

Gaad, E. (2006). Including Children with Intellectual Challenges in Regular Schools the UAE: Overview, Abu Dhabi First Conference on Intellectual  Disabilities, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Willis, S., & Gaad, E. (2005). Professor wiilis presented a paper titled “Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities: UAE (2005) ” Session:II: Right to Education for persons with disabilities < Experiences in Inclusion >Second Parliamentary Symposium on Disability Legislation  in the Arab Region, Beirut, Lebanon. 1-2 December.

Gaad, E. (2005). Multicultural teachers teaching multicultural mixed abilities students is in the UAE, The 5th International Conference on Diversity in organizations, Communities, and Nations.Beijing, China.

Gaad, E. (2004). Including  children with exceptional learning needs in the regular classroom in the United Arab Emirates. The 4th International Conference on Diversity in organizations, Communities, and Nations.UCLA. California, USA.  6-9 July.

Gaad, E. (2004). Including students with exceptional learning needs in the regular classroom in the UAE: A proposed plan to meet the needs of all learners, funded research briefing and presentation. The 5th annual conference for research, UAE University. UAE. 25-27 April .

Sartawi, A., Al.Ghazo, E., Gaad, E. & Tibi, S. (2003). Restructuring Special Education Program: Towards Accreditation, Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium. An international conference held by the College of Education at the United Arab Emirates University  (submitted, presented, and published in the proceedings of the conference). Dubai, UAE. 21-23 October.

Gaad, E. (2003). Meeting the exceptional learning needs in the regular classroom in the United Arab Emirates: A teacher preparation perspective. Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium. An international conference held by the College of Education at the United Arab Emirates University  (submitted, presented, and published in the proceedings of the conference). 21-23 October. Dubai.

Gaad, E. (2003). Ali in the regular school .. the experience of educating a child with autism in the regular school in the United Arab Emirates, The Social Brain Conference, Goteborg, Sweden. 25-27 March.

Gaad, E., & AbdulHai, M. (2002). Identification of combined hearing and mental disabilities, an experimental study, the Seventh Conference for Arabian Union of caring for the Deaf Institutions,Doha, Qatar. 28-30 April.

Gaad, E. (2000). Using Makaton Language in Teaching Pre-School and Early Primary Autistic Children, Kuwait Autistic Society Press, Kuwait.

Gaad, E. (1999). Curriculum Modification for children with Special Educational Needs in the light of the English Experience: A proposed plan. Regional Educational Conference. Ein Shams University Press. Cairo, Egypt.

Gaad, E. (1998). The Translator as a Cultural Insider.. Issues and Dilemmas,  Cairo University International Conference on Translation. Theme: translation for educational research, Cairo, Egypt.

Gaad, E. (1998). Training Egyptian Teachers at the University of East Anglia in England. International Conference on Education. Mansoura University Press. Mansoura, Egypt.

Gaad, E. (1999). Training Teachers of Children with Special Educational needs In Egypt,  International Conference on Teacher Training,  Halwan University Press. Cairo, Egypt.

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