Research Activites

Research Interests:

Ahmed’s research interests are in big stream processing, complex event processing, online machine learning, edge computing, and applications thereof, especially in business process management. Dr. Awad has over 60 publications in international journals, conferences, and workshops.

Journal Papers:

Heidy Hazem, Ahmed Awad, Ahmed Hassan Yousef: A Distributed Real-time Recommender System for Big Data Streams. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (8), 102026 (2023)

Ahmed Awad, Riccardo Tommasini, Samuele Langhi, Mahmoud Kamel, Emanuele Della Valle, Sherif Sakr: D2IA: User-defined interval analytics on distributed streams. Inf. Syst. 104: 101679 (2022)

Iman M. A. Helal, Ahmed Awad: Online correlation for unlabeled process events: A flexible CEP-based approach. Inf. Syst. 108: 102031 (2022)

Amr M. Sauber, Ahmed Awad, Amr F. Shawish, Passent Mohammed El-Kafrawy: A Novel Hadoop Security Model for Addressing Malicious Collusive Workers. Comput. Intell. Neurosci. 2021: 5753948:1-5753948:10 (2021)

Simona Micevska, Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr: SDDM: an interpretable statistical concept drift detection method for data streams. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 56(3): 459-484 (2021)

Sherif Sakr, Zakaria Maamar, Ahmed Awad, Boualem Benatallah, Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Business Process Analytics and Big Data Systems: A Roadmap to Bridge the Gap. IEEE Access 6: 77308-77320 (2018)

Ahmed Awad, Nesma M. Zaki, Chiara Di Francescomarino: Analyzing and repairing overlapping work items in process logs. Inf. Softw. Technol. 80: 110-123 (2016)

Ahmed Barnawi, Ahmed Awad, Amal Elgammal, Radwa El Shawi, Abduallah Almalaise, Sherif Sakr: Runtime self-monitoring approach of business process compliance in cloud environments. Clust. Comput. 18(4): 1503-1526 (2015)

Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr: On efficient processing of BPMN-Q queries. Comput. Ind. 63(9): 867-881 (2012)

Ahmed Awad, Rajeev Goré, Zhe Hou, James Thomson, Matthias Weidlich: An iterative approach to synthesize business process templates from compliance rules. Inf. Syst. 37(8): 714-736 (2012)

Emilian Pascalau, Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr, Mathias Weske: Partial process models to manage business process variants. Int. J. Bus. Process. Integr. Manag. 5(3): 240-256 (2011)

Ahmed Awad, Matthias Weidlich, Mathias Weske: Visually specifying compliance rules and explaining their violations for business processes. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 22(1): 30-55 (2011)

Ralf Laue, Ahmed Awad: Visual suggestions for improvements in business process diagrams. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 22(5): 385-399 (2011)

Ralf Laue, Ahmed Awad: Visualization of Business Process Modeling Anti Patterns. Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol. 25 (2010)

Ahmed Awad, Emilian Pascalau, Mathias Weske: Towards Instant Monitoring of Business Process Compliance. EMISA Forum 30(2): 10-24 (2010)

Conferences and workshops papers:

Mariia Bakhtina, Kin Long Leung, Raimundas Matulevicius, Ahmed Awad, Petr Svenda: A Decentralised Public Key Infrastructure for X-Road. ARES 2023: 128:1-128:8

Kristo Raun, Max Nielsen, Andrea Burattin, Ahmed Awad: C-3PA: Streaming Conformance, Confidence and Completeness in Prefix-Alignments. CAiSE 2023: 437-453

Kristo Raun, Riccardo Tommasini, Ahmed Awad: I Will Survive: An Event-driven Conformance Checking Approach Over Process Streams. DEBS 2023: 49-60 (Best paper award)

Mariia Bakhtina, Raimundas Matulevicius, Ahmed Awad, Petteri Kivimäki: On the Shift to Decentralised Identity Management in Distributed Data Exchange Systems. SAC 2023: 864-873

Mahmoud Mahgoub, Hassan Moharram, Passent Elkafrawy, Ahmed Awad: Benchmarking Concept Drift Detectors for Online Machine Learning. MEDI 2022: 43-57

Nesma M. Zaki, Iman M. A. Helal, Ehab E. Hassanein, Ahmed Awad: Efficient Checking of Timed Ordered Anti-patterns over Graph-Encoded Event Logs. MEDI 2022: 147-161

Hassan Moharram, Ahmed Awad, Passent Mohammed El-Kafrawy: Optimizing ADWIN for steady streams. SAC 2022: 450-459

Ahmed Awad, Kristo Raun, Matthias Weidlich: Efficient Approximate Conformance Checking Using Trie Data Structures. ICPM 2021: 1-8

Heidy Hazem, Ahmed Awad, Ahmed Hassan Yousef, Sherif Sakr: DISGD: A Distributed Shared-nothing Matrix Factorization for Large Scale Online Recommender Systems. EDBT 2020: 359-362

Ahmed Awad, Matthias Weidlich, Sherif Sakr: Process Mining over Unordered Event Streams. ICPM 2020: 81-88

Fadi Baskharon, Ahmed Awad, Chiara Di Francescomarino: Predicting Remaining Cycle Time from Ongoing Cases: A Survival Analysis-Based Approach. ICPM Workshops 2020: 99-111

Ahmed Ramzy, Ahmed Awad, Amr A. Kamel, Osman Hegazy, Sherif Sakr: Calculation of Average Road Speed Based on Car-to-Car Messaging. BigComp 2019: 1-8

Ahmed Awad, Riccardo Tommasini, Mahmoud Kamel, Emanuele Della Valle, Sherif Sakr: D2IA: Stream Analytics on User-Defined Event Intervals. CAiSE 2019: 346-361 (Best paper award)

Sherif Sakr, Mohamed Ragab, Mohamed Maher, Ahmed Awad: MINARET: A Recommendation Framework for Scientific Reviewers. EDBT 2019: 538-541

Ahmed Awad, Jonas Traub, Sherif Sakr: Adaptive Watermarks: A Concept Drift-based Approach for Predicting Event-Time Progress in Data Streams. EDBT 2019: 622-625

Elkhan Shahverdi, Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr: Big Stream Processing Systems: An Experimental Evaluation. ICDE Workshops 2019: 53-60

Nehal Afifi, Ahmed Awad, Hisham M. Abdelsalam: Extending BPSim Based on Workflow Resource Patterns. BIS 2018: 206-222

Nehal Afifi, Ahmed Awad, Hisham M. Abdelsalam: RBPSim: A Resource-aware Extension of BPSim Using Workflow Resource Patterns. ZEUS 2018: 32-39

Marwa Hussein, Ahmed Awad, Osman Hegazy: Enabling Compliance Monitoring for Process Execution Engines. RADAR+EMISA@CAiSE 2017: 30-37

Dina Bayomie, Ahmed Awad, Ehab Ezat: Correlating Unlabeled Events from Cyclic Business Processes Execution. CAiSE 2016: 274-289

Iman M. A. Helal, Ahmed Awad, Ali El Bastawissi: Runtime deduction of case ID for unlabeled business process execution events. AICCSA 2015: 1-8

Nesma M. Zaki, Ahmed Awad, Ehab Ezat: Extracting accurate performance indicators from execution logs using process models. AICCSA 2015: 1-8

Ahmed Barnawi, Ahmed Awad, Amal Elgammal, Radwa El Shawi, Abduallah Almalaise, Sherif Sakr: BP-MaaS: A Runtime Compliance-Monitoring System for Business Processes. BPM (Demos) 2015: 25-29

Dina Bayomie, Iman M. A. Helal, Ahmed Awad, Ehab Ezat, Ali El Bastawissi: Deducing Case IDs for Unlabeled Event Logs. Business Process Management Workshops 2015: 242-254

Ahmed Tealeb, Ahmed Awad, Galal H. Galal-Edeen: Towards RAM-Based Variant Generation of Business Process Models. ICSOC Workshops 2015: 91-102

Ahmed Awad, Ahmed Barnawi, Amal Elgammal, Radwa El Shawi, Abduallah Almalaise, Sherif Sakr: Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: an approach based on anti patterns. SAC 2015: 1203-1210

Ahmed Tealeb, Ahmed Awad, Galal H. Galal-Edeen: Context-Based Variant Generation of Business Process Models. BMMDS/EMMSAD 2014: 363-377

Sherif Sakr, Ahmed Awad, Matthias Kunze: Querying Process Models Repositories by Aggregated Graph Search. Business Process Management Workshops 2012: 573-585

Mohammed AbuJarour, Ahmed Awad: Discovering Linkage Patterns among Web Services Using Business Process Knowledge. IEEE SCC 2011: 314-321

Sherif Sakr, Emilian Pascalau, Ahmed Awad, Mathias Weske: BPModelMasher: Manage Your Process Variants Effectively. BPM (Demos) 2011

Andreas Rogge-Solti, Matthias Kunze, Ahmed Awad, Mathias Weske: Business Process Configuration Wizard and Consistency Checker for BPMN 2.0. BMMDS/EMMSAD 2011: 231-245

Cristina Cabanillas, Manuel Resinas, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Ahmed Awad: Automatic Generation of a Data-Centered View of Business Processes. CAiSE 2011: 352-366

Ahmed Awad, Rajeev Goré, James Thomson, Matthias Weidlich: An Iterative Approach for Business Process Template Synthesis from Compliance Rules. CAiSE 2011: 406-421

Mohammed AbuJarour, Ahmed Awad: Enriched Service Descriptions Using Business Process Configurations. EMISA 2011: 149-162

Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr, Matthias Kunze, Mathias Weske: Design by Selection: A Reuse-Based Approach for Business Process Modeling. ER 2011: 332-345

Ahmed Awad, Mohammed AbuJarour: Revealing Hidden Relations among Web Services Using Business Process Knowledge. ICSOC 2011: 235-249

Ahmed Awad, Matthias Weidlich, Mathias Weske: Consistency Checking of Compliance Rules. BIS 2010: 106-118

Emilian Pascalau, Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr, Mathias Weske: On Maintaining Consistency of Process Model Variants. Business Process Management Workshops 2010: 289-300

Ahmed Awad, Sherif Sakr: Querying Graph-Based Repositories of Business Process Models. DASFAA Workshops 2010: 33-44

Sherif Sakr, Ahmed Awad: A framework for querying graph-based business process models. WWW 2010: 1297-1300

Ahmed Awad, Gero Decker, Niels Lohmann: Diagnosing and Repairing Data Anomalies in Process Models. Business Process Management Workshops 2009: 5-16

Ahmed Awad, Mathias Weske: Visualization of Compliance Violation in Business Process Models. Business Process Management Workshops 2009: 182-193

Ahmed Awad, Matthias Weidlich, Mathias Weske: Specification, Verification and Explanation of Violation for Data Aware Compliance Rules. ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009: 500-515

Ahmed Awad, Sergey Smirnov, Mathias Weske: Resolution of Compliance Violation in Business Process Models: A Planning-Based Approach. OTM Conferences (1) 2009: 6-23

Ahmed Awad, Frank Puhlmann: Structural Detection of Deadlocks in Business Process Models. BIS 2008: 239-250

Ahmed Awad, Gero Decker, Mathias Weske: Efficient Compliance Checking Using BPMN-Q and Temporal Logic. BPM 2008: 326-341

Ahmed Awad, Artem Polyvyanyy, Mathias Weske: Semantic Querying of Business Process Models. EDOC 2008: 85-94

Ahmed Awad: BPMN-Q: A Language to Query Business Processes. EMISA 2007: 115-128

Ahmed Gaafar, Sherif Sakr: Towards a Framework for Mapping Between UML/OCL and XML/XQuery. UML 2004: 241-259


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