Home / Professor Khalid Al Marri / Research Activities
Almarri, K., & Blackwell, P. (2014). Improving risk sharing and investment appraisal for PPP procurement success in large green projects. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 119, 847-856.
Almarri, K., Abuhijleh, B., (2017). A qualitative study for developing a framework for implementing public–private partnerships in developing countries. Journal of Facilities Management, 15(2), 170-189.
Almarri, K., & Hijleh, B. (2017). Critical Success Factors for Public Private Partnerships in the UAE Construction Industry-A Comparative Analysis between the UAE and the UK. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 7(1), 21.
Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2017). Interdependency of Value for Money and Ex-Post Performance Indicators of Public Private Partnership Projects. Journal of Engineering, Project & Production Management, 7(2).
Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2017). The Influence of Critical Success Factors on Value for Money Viability Analysis in Public–Private Partnership Projects. Project Management Journal, 48(4), 93-106.
Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2017). Interdependency of the critical success factors and ex-post performance indicators of PPP projects. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.
Almarri, K. (2017). Perceptions of the attractive factors for adopting public–private partnerships in the UAE- International Journal of Construction Management, 2017 VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1–8. DOI:10.1080/15623599.2017.1382082
Alzahrani, A., Boussabaine, H., & Almarri, K. (2017). Emerging financial risks from climate changes on building assets in the UK. Facilities Journal. Vol:36, Issue:11/12.
Almarri, K, Alzahrahi, S., Boussabiane, H. (2018). An evaluation of the impact of risk cost on risk allocation in public private partnership projects- International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
Almarri, K. (2016). Improving PPP contract design for procurement of public projects- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Project Management. Gold Coast, Australia, November 2016 The Society of Project Management.
Almarri, K. (2016). Comparative analysis of the favorable outcomes factors of PPPs between the UAE and the UK- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Project Management. Gold Coast, Australia, November 2016 The Society of Project Management.
Mansour, F. and Almarri, K. (2017). Key Success Factors Impacting the Success of Innovation in UAE Construction Projects- Proceedings of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), Dubai, March 2017.
Barakeh, K. and Almarri, K. (2017). Management of the Organizational and Contractual Risks of BIM Projects in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC)- Proceedings of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), Dubai, March 2017.
Almarri, K. (2017). Promoting PPP procurements in the transportation sector in the UAE- 30th IPMA World Congress. Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2017.
Almarri, K. (2017). Comparative analysis of the value for money factors of PPPs between the UAE and the UK- 30th IPMA World Congress. Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2017.
Aljaberi, M. and Almarri, K. (2017). A study of the Impact of cultural diversity on the technological innovation process in the nuclear energy corporations- Joint IGORR 18 / IAEA Workshop, 3-7 December 2017, Sydney Australia
Almarri, K. (2017). A qualitative study for establishing the conditions for the successful implementation of public private partnerships in research reactor project in newcomer countries- Joint IGORR 18 / IAEA Workshop, 3-7 December 2017, Sydney Australia
Almarri, K. (2018). Comparative analysis of the value for money factors of PPPs between the UAE and the UK. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-11.
Almarri, K., Aljarman, M., & Boussabaine, H. (2019). Emerging contractual and legal risks from the application of building information modelling. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Almarri, K., Alzahrani, S., & Boussabaine, H. (2019). An evaluation of the impact of risk cost on risk allocation in public private partnership projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Al Kabi & K. Almarri (2019). The mediating effects of innovation culture on leadership traits, leadership style, and firm performance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 13(1): 1-8. DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2019.13.1.1
Abdulqader, A. and Almarri, K. (2019). The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Innovation Behaviours: The Case of the Government Sector of the UAE. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Alhosani, E. and Almarri, K. (2019). The Success of innovation projects in public/ government sector. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Nabulsi, F. and Almarri, K. (2019). Factors Affecting Expert Systems Implementation by UAE Government. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Dali, H. and Almarri, K. (2019). Innovation and risk mitigation measures for the successful implementation of Smart government in Dubai. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Almaazmi, J. and Almarri, K. (2019). Using Fuzzy Expert System for Performance Evaluation and Decision Making in project-based companies. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Nasaj, M. and Almarri, K. (2019). The Influence of Soft and Hard Quality Man-agement on Innovation Performance in UAE Service Sector. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Al Zaabi, N. and Almarri, K. (2019). Antecedent Factors for Effective Reverse Logistics Innovation in manufacturing Organizations. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Taqateqah, M. and Almarri, K. (2019). Managing Projects in the Public Sector: From Fragility to Agility and Innovation. 2nd International Triple Helix Summit. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Almarri, K. (2019). Perceptions of the attractive factors for adopting public–private partnerships in the UAE. International Journal of Construction Management, 19(1), 57-64.
Abdulqader, A., & Al Marri, K. (2019). The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Innovation Behaviours: The Case of the Government. Proceedings of the II International Triple Helix Summit, 43, 1.
Aldhaheri, N., & Almarri, K. (2019). The Impact of Cognitive Process Types on the Success of Exploratory Projects. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 524-533). Springer, Cham.
Alhassani, A., & Almarri, K. (2019). The Impact of Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Performance on the Organization–Moderating by Innovation Awards. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 512-523). Springer, Cham.
Abu-Tair, A., Lahrech, A., Al Marri, K., & Abu-Hijleh, B. (Eds.). (2020). Proceedings of the II International Triple Helix Summit. Springer International Publishing.
Aljarman, M., Boussabaine, H., & Almarri, K. (2020). Emerging technical risks from the application of building information modelling. Journal of Facilities Management.
Nguyen, N., Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2020). A risk-adjusted decoupled-net-present-value model to determine the optimal concession period of BOT projects. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.
Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2020). Re-evaluating the risk costing agenda in PPP projects. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.
Alneyadi, E. H., & Almarri, K. (2020, November). The Effects of Outsourcing on Performance Management in SMEs. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 730-741). Springer, Cham.
Aftab, O., & Almarri, K. (2020, November). The Attitude of Consumer Towards a Brand Source: Context of UAE. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 742-753). Springer, Cham.
Almarri, K., Aljarman, M., & Boussabaine, H. (2020). Emerging managerial risks from the application of building information modelling. Journal of Facilities Management.
Almarri, K. (2021). Comparative analysis of the value for money factors of PPPs between the UAE and the UK. International Journal of Construction Management, 21(4), 416-426.
Bettayeb, A., & Al Marri, K. (2021). Does Team Integration Effect the Successful Implementation of Digital Transformation?. In The 7th Annual International Conference on Arab Women in Computing in Conjunction with the 2nd Forum of Women in Research (pp. 1-5).
Al Shehhi, K., & Almarri, K. (2021). Using a Hybrid Approach of Game Design, Blockchain Technology and Learning Analytics in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of the British University in Dubai. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 180-193). Springer, Cham.
Almarri, K. (2022). The value for money factors and their interrelationships for smart city public–private partnerships projects. Construction Innovation,.
Alafifi, A., Boussabaine, H., & Almarri, K. (2022). An empirical study on measuring operating efficiency and revenue of real estate assets in the UAE using data envelopment analysis. Journal of Facilities Management,
Almarri, K., Boussabaine, H., & Al Nauimi, H. (2023). The influence of risks on the outturn cost of ICT infrastructure network projects. Construction Innovation.
Almarri, K., & Boussabaine, H. (2023). Critical success factors for public–private partnerships in smart city infrastructure projects. Construction Innovation.
Alawadhi, K., & Almarri, K. (2023, May). Ensuring the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s Connectivity Requirements in the UAE. In BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2022: Multidisciplinary Studies (pp. 23-33). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
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