Research Activities

  1. Waris, M., Khan, A., Abideen, A.Z., Sorooshian, S. and Ullah, M., (2022). Stakeholder Management in Public Sector Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 12(3), pp.188-201.
  2. Panigrahi, Shrikant Krupasindhu, Maryam Juma Al Farsi, Sumathi Kumaraswamy, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, and Faisal Rana. 2022. “Working Capital Management and Shareholder’s Wealth Creation: Evidence from Manufacturing Companies Listed in Oman” International Journal of Financial Studies 10, no. 4: 89.
  3. Mazita Mokhtar, Salme Yahya, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Zetty Ain Kamaruzzaman. (2022). The impact of ir 4.0 technology acceptance on small medium enterprises behavior intention in the halal food and beverage industry in Malaysia: a pilot study. Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 8(1), 167-186.
  4. Muhammad Kashif, Ahmad, M. H. ., & Ali Khan, Muhamamd. Waris. (2022). An empirical study of emotional labor on customer loyalty intentions with mediating role of perceived service quality in banking sector. International Journal of Industrial Management, 13(1), 479–490.
  5. Yahya, S., Mokhtar, M., Zetty Ain Kamaruzzaman, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan (2022). Motivational Factors Underlying the Intention Of Herbal Soap Entrepreneurs To Obtain Halal Certificate In Malaysia. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 27(1), 1-14.
  6. Asadullah Khan, M. Waris*, Shrikant Panigrahi, Mirza Rizwan Sajid and Faisal Rana. Improving the Performance of Public Sector Infrastructure Projects: The Role of Project Governance and Stakeholder Management. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. 2021, 37(2): 04020112 (WoS Indexed).
  7. Gardezi, S.S.S., Shafiq, N. & Khan, M.W.A. Relational pre-impact assessment of conventional housing features and carbon footprint for achieving sustainable built environment. Environ Dev Sustain (2021). (WoS Indexed).
  8. Asadullah Khan, Muhammad Waris, Mehfooz Ullah, Ijaz Hussain Bokhari. Review of Public Sector Project Planning in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. 2021 41(3), pp. 503-514. (Peered Review).
  9. Ullah, M.; Khan, M. Waris*.; Hussain, A.; Rana, F.; Khan, A. A Construct Validation Approach for Exploring Sustainability Adoption in Pakistani Construction Projects. Buildings 2020, 10, 207. (Scopus).
  10. Ullah, M.; Khan, M. Waris*.; Kuang, L.C.; Hussain, A.; Rana, F.; Khan, A.; Sajid, M.R. A Structural Model for the Antecedents of Sustainable Project Management in Pakistan. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8013. (WoS Indexed).
  11. Panda, S., Waris, M., Yusri, M., Adeleke, A.Q., Sarbani, W.M.N. Performance appraisal system of public technical universities of Malaysia- A study (2020) International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (1), pp. 814-823. (Scopus Indexed).
  12. Zarith Sufia Azlan, Muhammad Waris* and Puteri Fadzline Muhamad Tamyez. Investigating the Stakeholder Engagement Indicators towards Renewable Energy Projects Success in Malaysia, Horizon J. Hum. & Soc. Sci. 2 (1): 103 – 120, 2020. (Peered Review).
  13. Khan, Asadullah and M., Waris* and Ishak, Ismail and Mirza, Rizwan Sajid and Ali, Zaigham and Ullah, Mehfooz and Hussain, Ammar. Investigating the Practices of Project Governance in Public Sector Infrastructure Program in Pakistan. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019. pp. 1-11. (WoS Indexed).
  14. M. Waris* et al., Investigating the Dynamic Impact of CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth on Renewable Energy Production: Evidence from FMOLS and DOLS Tests,  Processes 2019, 7(8), 496. (WoS Indexed).
  15. M. Waris* et al., An Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Sustainable Procurement of Construction Equipment: Multicriteria-Based Decision Framework for Malaysia, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019. (WoS Indexed).
  16. Asadullah Khan, M. Waris*, Ishak Ismail, Mirza Rizwan Sajid, Mehfooz Ullah & Faisal Usman, “Deficiencies in Project Governance: An Analysis of Infrastructure Development Programme”, Administrative Sciences, vol. 9(1), 2019. (WoS Indexed).
  17. Yasir Ahmed Solangi, Abdullah Mengal, Yasir Aftab Memon, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Qadir Nawaz Shafiq, Nayyar Hussain Mirjat,“ Performance and Economic Analysis of Concentrated Solar Power Generation for Pakistan”, Processes, vol. 7(9), 2019. (WoS Indexed).
  18. Yasir Ahmed Solangi, Qingmei Tan, Nayyar Hussain Mirjat, Gordhan Das Valasai, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Muhammad Ikram, “An Integrated Delphi-AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach toward Ranking and Selection of Renewable Energy Resources in Pakistan”, Processes, vol. 7(2), 2019. (WoS Indexed).
  19. Sholagberu, Abdulkadir Taofeeq and Muhammad Raza, Ul Mustafa and Khamaruzaman, Wan Yusof and Ahmad Mustafa, Hashim and Shah, Mumtaz Muhammad and M., Waris and Isa, Mohamed H., “Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for Soil Erosion Susceptibility Assessment under Static and Dynamic Causative Factors”, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28 (5) 2019. (WoS Indexed).
  20. Adeleke, A. Q. and Bahaudin, A. Y. and Kamaruddeen, A. M. and Bamgbaded, J. A. and M., Waris and Panda, Sitansu and Afolabi, Yakibi Ayodele, An Empirical Analysis of Organizational External Factors on Construction Risk Management”, .International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 8 (1). 2019. pp. 932-940. (SCOPUS Indexed).
  21. Ishak Ismail, Asadullah Khan, Muhammad Waris, Hasnah Haron and Bachtiar H. Simamora, “Exploring the role of project governance and stakeholder management in public sector infrastructure projects”, Int’l J. of Org. Bus. Excellence Vol. 2(1): 1 – 10 (2019). (Peered Review).
  22. Yasir Ahmed Solangi, Qingmei Tan, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Nayyar Hussain Mirjat and Ifzal Ahmed, “The Selection of Wind Power Project Location in the Southeastern Corridor of Pakistan: A Factor Analysis, AHP, and Fuzzy-TOPSIS Application, Energies, vol. 8(2), 2018. (WoS Indexed).
  23. Shrikant Krupasindhu Panigrahi, Noor Azlinna Azizan, and Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, “Investigating the empirical relationship between service quality, trust, satisfaction, and intention of customers purchasing life insurance products, Indian Journal of Marketing, vol. 48(1)., 2018. (Scopus Indexed).
  24. Panda, Sitansu and M., Waris and Khan, Asadullah and Ullah, Mehfooz and Adeleke, A. Q., “Analyzing Factors Attributing To Effectiveness of Performance Management System of a Manufacturing Industry”, The Journal of Social Sciences Research (S.I. 6). pp. 907-914. 2018. (Peered Review).
  25. Nayyar Hussain Mirjat, Mohammad Aslam Uqaili, Khanji Harijan, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Md. Mizanur Rahman and M. Waris Ali Khan, “Multi-Criteria Analysis of Electricity Generation Scenarios for Sustainable Energy Planning in Pakistan”, Energies, vol. 11(4), 2018. (WoS Indexed).
  26. AQ Adeleke, AY Bahaudin, AM Kamaruddeen, JA Bamgbade, Maruf Gbadebo Salimon, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Shahryar Sorooshian, “The influence of organizational external factors on construction risk management among Nigerian construction companies”, Safety and Health at Work, vol. 9(1), 2018. (WoS Indexed).
  27. Ahmad, M. Donia, A. Khan, and M. Waris, “Do as I Say and Do as I Do? The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Fulfillment in the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Employee Extra-role Performance,” Personnel Review, 2018. (WoS Indexed).
  28. Asadullah Khan, Ammar Hussain, Muhammad Waris, Ishak Ismail and Muhammad Ilyas, “Infrastructure Project Governance: An Analysis of Public Sector Project in Northern Pakistan”, Journal of Governance and Integrity, vol. 2(1). 2018. (Peered Review).
  29. Adeleke, A. Q. and Windapo, Abimbola Olukemi and M., Waris and Bamgbaded, J. A. and Salimon, Maruf Gbadebo and Nawanir, Gusman, “Validating the Influence of Effective Communication, Team Competency and Skills, Active Leadership on Construction Risk Management Practices of Nigerian Construction Companies”,  The Journal of Social Sciences Research (Special 6). pp. 460-465 (2018). (Peered Review).
  30. Nayyar Hussain Mirjat, Mohammad Aslam Uqaili, Khanji Harijan, Gordhan Das Valasai, Faheemullah Shaikh, M Waris, “A review of energy and power planning and policies of Pakistan”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.79, 2017. (WoS Indexed).
  31. AQ Adeleke, AY Bahaudin, AM Kamaruddeen, JA Bamgbade, Maruf Gbadebo Salimon, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, “The Implications of Political Factor on Construction Risk Management: The Perspectives of Construction Companies in Nigerian”, International Journal of Organization & Business Excellence, vol. 2(1), 2017. (Peered Review).
  32. M. Waris*, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Criteria for the Selection of Sustainable Onsite Construction Equipment,” International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, vol. 3(1), pp. 96 – 110, 2014. (Scopus Indexed).
  33. M. Waris*, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Investigating the Awareness of Onsite Mechanization in Malaysian Construction Industry,” Procedia Engineering, vol. 77, pp. 205 – 212, 2014.  (Scopus Indexed).
  34. M. Waris*, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Major Challenges to the Sustainable Operations of Construction Equipment in Malaysia,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 567, pp. 589 – 594, 2014. (Scopus Indexed).
  35. M. Waris*, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Onsite Mechanized Construction,” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 8(5), pp. 391 – 398, 2014. (Scopus Indexed).
  36. M. Waris*, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “An Exploratory Study on Enablers and Barriers for Onsite Mechanization in the Malaysian Construction Industry,” Malaysian Construction Research Journal, vol. 16(1), 2015. (Scopus Indexed).
  37. A. K. Waris*, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “The Cost Monitoring of Construction Projects through Earned Value Analysis,” KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 2 (4), pp. 42-45, 2012. ISSN Online ISSN 2233-9582 (Peered Review).



  1. Ullah, M., Khan, M. W. A., Kuang, L. C. Role of Project Governance in Managing Projects Sustainability: A Theoretical Perspective”. Proceedings of the 6th of Internationational Conferrence on Civil, Offshore & Environmental Engineering -ICCOEE2020.  Published in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Singapore, 978-981-336-311-3. (Scopus Indexed)
  2. M. Waris et al., “Sustainability Through Green Procurement: Interplay Between Transformational Leadership And Institutional Pressures, published  in the European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. ISSN: 2357-1330. (Scopus Indexed).
  3. Zarith Sufia, Azlan and M., Waris and Puteri Fadzline, Tamyez (2019) Critical Success Factors for Stakeholder Engagement in Renewable Energy Projects of Malaysia. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS: ICBSI 2018 – International Conference on Business Sustainability and Innovation, 17-19 October 2018 , Bayan Baru, Penang, Malaysia. pp. 166-173., LXV. ISSN 2357-1330. (Scopus Indexed).
  4. Khan, Asadullah and M., Waris and Ishak, Ismail and Adeleke, A. Q. and Ahmed, Ifzal (2019) Conceptual framework for project governance of public sector infrastructure project in Pakistan. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS: ICBSI 2018 – International Conference on Business Sustainability and Innovation, 17-19 October 2018 , Bayan Baru, Penang, Malaysia. pp. 74-79., LXV. ISSN 2357-1330. (Scopus Indexed).
  5. Muhammad Waris, Zarith Sufia Azlan, Puteri Fadzline Muhamad Tamyez, Mehfooz Ullah, and Asadullah Khan, (2019), “Analyzing the Constructs of Stakeholder Engagement towards Renewable Energy Projects Success in Malaysia: A PLS Approach” in FGIC 2nd Conference on Governance and Integrity 2019, KnE Social Sciences, pages 818–843. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i22.5090. (Scopus Indexed).
  6. Lubna Quddus, Mukhdoom Khalid, and Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, (2019), “Teachers’ Self-Assessment of Their Teaching Effectiveness at Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan: A Case Study” in FGIC 2nd Conference on Governance and Integrity 2019, KnE Social Sciences, pages 807–817. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i22.5089. (Scopus Indexed).
  7. M. Waris, Ng Hwee Ting, Lee Chia Kuang, M. Ridzuan Darun, U. Mehfooz1 & M. Faris Khamidi, “Green Procurement in Construction Industry:  A Theoretical Perspective of Enablers and Barriers,” published in MATEC Web of Conferences Proceedings, 203, 02012 (2018) (Scopus Indexed).
  8. Muhammad Raza Ul Mustafa, Abdulkadir Taofeeq Sholagberu, Khamaruzaman Wan Yusof, Ahmad Mustafa Hashim, Muhammad Waris Ali Khan, Muhammad Shahbaz,SVM-Based Geospatial Prediction of Soil Erosion Under Static and Dynamic Conditioning Factors,” published in MATEC Web of Conferences Proceedings, 203, 04004 (2018) (Scopus Indexed).
  9. M. Waris, A. Khan, I Ismail, A. Q Adeleke, S. Panigrahi, Impact of leadership qualities on employee commitment in multi-project-based organizations, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018. (Scopus Indexed). ISSN 1755-1315
  10. Ishak, Ismail and Khan, Asadullah and Muhammad Waris, Ali Khan and Hasnah, Haron and Simamora, Bachtiar H., “Exploring the Role of Project Governance and Stakeholder Management in Public Sector Infrastructure Projects, In: The 5th International Conference on Management, Hospitality & Tourism and Accounting 2018 (IMHA2018), 3-4 September 2018 , Auditorium Kemanggisan Campus of Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. p. 125.
  11. Nur Syamimi, Zulkefli and M., Waris and Khairul Firdaus, Anuar and Khan, Asadullah and Adeleke, A. Q. (2018) Exploring the Perception of Earned Value Analysis for the Malaysian Construction Industry. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. (Scopus Indexed).  ISSN 2357-1330
  12. Muhammad Waris, Asadullah Khan, Ishak Ismail, Sitansu Panda, “Project Governance: A Need for Public Sector Infrastructure Projects in Pakistan”, Proceedings of 1st FGIC Conference, 2017, Kuantan, Malaysia. (Peered Review). ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5
  13. Shrikant Panigrahi, Mohd Darun, Muhammad Waris, Senthil Kumar, “Promoting research governance through integrity and ethical practices: A qualitative study, Proceedings of 1st FGIC Conference, 2017, Kuantan, Malaysia. (Peered Review). ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5
  14. M. Waris and Zeeshan Asim, Production+ Program: An Integrated Approach for the Revamping and Expansion of an Iron and Steel Making Facility: A Case Study”, Proceedings of Ist International Business Engineering Conference (IBEC), 26 – 27 September 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Peered Review). ISBN 9-789670-691916
  15. M. Waris, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Heavy equipment acquisition in Malaysian construction industry,” Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications, Kuching, Malaysia, 2013. (Scopus Indexed).
  16. M. F. Khamidi, W. Ali, A. Idrus and N. Hussain “Towards the Achievement of Financial Optimization in Construction through Multi-Project Management”, in Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Management Technology and Science, Dubai, UAE, 4 – 5 August, 2012. ISBN: 978-981-07-3009-3
  17. M. W. A. Khan, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “The Performance Measurement of Private Finance Initiative Project in Malaysia by Using Earned Value Management Technique,” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Dec 2009, ISBN NO: 978 983 3986 60 6
  18. M. W. A. Khan, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “An Earned Value Management (EVM) Framework for the Performance Measurement of PFI Construction Projects in Malaysia,” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Technology & Operation Management, Langkawi, Malaysia 5-7 July 2010. ISBN NO: 978 983 2078 37 1
  19. M. W. A. Khan, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “The Application of Earned Value Analysis (EVA) for Construction Projects of Public Works Department Malaysia: A Case Study,” Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries, Malaysia,1 – 2 Dec 2010. ISBN NO: 978 967 5417 99 3
  1. F. Khamidi, W. Ali, and A. Idrus, “Application of Earned Value Management System on an Infrastructure Project: a Malaysian Case Study,” International Conference on Management and Service Science, IPEDR Volume 8, 2011, IACSIT Press: Singapore.



  1. Waris and Panda, Sitansu (2017), Case on Integrated Time and Cost Monitoring of Construction Projects. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
  2.  Waris (2017), Case on Managing Multi-Projects in Process Industry. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 18-21. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
  3. Waris, M. S. Liew, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Environmental Implications of Onsite Mechanization in the Malaysian Construction Industry,” in Environmental Impact II, vol. 181, Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2014, sec. 1, pp. 147 – 158. ISBN: 978-1-84564-762-9
  4. Waris, M. F. Khamidi and A. Idrus, “Sustainable Considerations in the Operation of Onsite Construction Equipments and Vehicles: A Malaysian Perspective,” in InCIEC 2013, R. Hassan, et al., Eds., ed: Singapore: Springer, 2014, ch. 72, pp. 837-849. ISBN: 978-981-4585-01-9
  5. F. Khamidi, W. Ali and A. Idrus, “Earned Value Analysis. In: Project Management –Process, Technology and Practice,” Pearson Education, Inc., Publishing as Prentice Hall, New Jersey USA, 2012, 1: pp. 395-402. ISBN 978-01330-55450



  1. Integration of probabilistic life cycle costing and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process for the development of decision making model (Team Leader: UMP RDU 190314/2021).
  2. Designing Green Procurement Index for Onsite Mechanized Construction Using Core Principles of Sustainability in Malaysia (External Grant – FRGS-MOHE: Team Leader: RDU170134/2017).
  3. A Decision Model for the Selection of Projects in Construction Program Management (Team Leader: UMP RDU 170312/2017).
  4. A GIS Based SVM Modeling For Soil Erosion Susceptibility Mapping For Cameron Highlands, Malaysia (Member: UTP STIRF 2016).
  5. Impact of Inventory Management on the Working Capital of Construction Contractors in Pahang (Member: UMP RDU 170307).
  6. Developing An Integrated Industrialised Building System (Ibs) Maturity Model: A Hybrid Model With Riggs’s Omax (UMP RDU1703296).
  7. A Study On The Implementation Of Healing Garden Concept In Malaysia Healthcare Garden (UMP RDU1703245).



  1. Feasibility study of revamping and expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills (2004 – 2006).
  2. Revamping and upgrdataion of Hot Strip Mill of Pakistan Steel Mills (2005).
  3. Revamping and upgrdataion of Reversible Mill, Batch Annealing Furnaces, Temper Mill and Cold Slitting Line at Cold Rolloing Mill of Pakistan Steel Mills. (2005 – 2007).
  4. Revamping and upgrdataion of continuous pickling line and hot galvanizing unit of Pakistan Steel Mills (2006).
  5. Revamping and upgrdataion of Raw Material Handling Department of Pakistan Steel Mills (2005).


Khan, A., Khan, Muhammad. Waris. Ali., Sorooshian, S., Ullah, M., & Rana, F. (2022). The mediating role of benefit management for sustaining the performance of infrastructure projects. Construction Economics and Building, 22(3), 124–143.

Abbasi SA, Harijan K, Khan, Muhammad Waris Ali, Mengal A, Shaikh F, Memon ZA, Mirjat NH, Kumar L. (2021) Long- term optimal power generation pathways for Pakistan. Energy Sci Eng. 2021;9:2252– 2267.

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