PT / Certified Cyber Security Trainings / Certified Disaster Response and Recovery Manager (C-DRRM)
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Business Continuity and Disaster Response and Recovery is the process of preparing processes, policies, and procedures that follow in the event of a significant and unplanned operational disruption. The Certified Disaster Response and Recovery Manager training course prepares students for industry certification in Business Continuity planning and Disaster Recovery missions.
As businesses face a wide range of daily risks – including cyber-attacks, human error, technical failures, and natural disasters – it is vital they create practical plans to sustain their security posture, financial health, and industry and brand reputation to maintain long-term success. Students will cover topics such as: BCP Design and Development Strategies, Risk Management Frameworks, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Creating Asset Inventories, Recovery Site Management, Reviewing Cloud Service Agreements, Cloud Data Security Strategies, and the Impact of Legal Requirements on Cloud Storage Solutions.
The Certified Disaster Response and Recovery Manager course is a component of the career progression track that supports the required Categories, Specialty Areas and Work Roles as defined by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework. It provides a common language to speak about cyber roles and jobs and can be referenced to define professional requirements in cybersecurity.
Upon completion of online courses, students will be prepared to sit for the knowledge assessment exam. The online examination will consist of True/False, Multiple Choice, and Fill in the Blank questions. The exam may be taken at any time within 6 months of completing the certification course.
Students will have two hours to complete a computer-based examination consisting of 100 questions. A score of 70% or higher is required to earn the certification. Upon successful completion of the exam, students will be sent a hardcopy of their certification and their CPE credit documentation via email (PDF format) within 72-hours of the exam date.
The examination is “closed book.” However, students will be allowed to use their notes on material presented during the course as well as their Course Workbooks.
Facing daily risks to long-term success from a wide range of threats—cyber-attacks, human error, technical failures, and natural disasters—businesses must create practical plans to sustain their vital operations, security posture, industry reputation, and brand. The Disaster Response and Recovery Manager course prepares students for expertise in Business Continuity Planning, Disaster Recovery Missions, and creating programs that enhance the organizations’ overall security posture. A minimum of 12 months of work experience in the Information Security field is suggested.
(8 Hours Per Day)
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Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 279 1400
Email: [email protected]