Research Activities 

Journal Publications
  • Obeidat, B. Y., 2009. A Study of the implementation Stage of Strategic Decisions in the Banking Sector in Jordan. 1st Ed. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K.
  • Masa’deh, R. M., Shannak, R. O., Obeidat, B. Y., and Dahalin, Z. (2010). “Investigating a Causal Model of IT-Business Partnership and Competitive Advantage”. Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, 1250-1260.
  • Shannak, R. O., Masa’deh, R. M., Obeidat, B. Y., and Almajali, D. A. (2010). “Information Technology Investments: A Literature Review”. Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, 1356-1368.


  • Obeidat, B. Y., Shannak, R. O., Masa’deh, R. M., and Al-Jarrah, I. M. (2012). “Toward Better Understanding for Arabian Culture: Implications Based on Hofstede’s Cultural Model”. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 4, 512-522.
  • Al-Jarrah, I. M., Qasrawi, W., Obeidat, B. Y., and Sulyman, Y. H. (2012). “Evaluating the Competition and Pricing Power in the Banking Sector of Jordan”. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 1, 41-53.
  • Obeidat, B. Y. (2012). “The Relationship between Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Functions and Human Resource Management (HRM) Functionalities”. Journal of Management Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, 192-211.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Alzaidi, F. F., Shannak, R. O., Al-Jarrah, I. M., and Al-Zu’bi, Z. M. F. (2012). “The Impact of Healthcare Quality Controls on Patient Safety in Ministry of Health (MOH) Hospitals in (KSA) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Research Journal of International Studies, Vol. 24.
  • Shannak, R. O., Masa’deh, R. MT., Al-Zu’bi, Z. M. F., Obeidat, B. Y., and Alshurideh, M. (2012). “A Theoretical Perspective on the Relationship between Knowledge Management Systems, Customer Knowledge Management, and Firm Competitive Advantage”. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 4, 520-532.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Sweis, R. J., Zyod, D. S., Masa’deh, R. MT., and Alshurideh, M. (2012). “The Effect of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Internet Service Providers in Jordan”. Journal of Management Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, 133-151.
  • Obeidat, B. Y. (2012). “The Relationship Between Innovation Diffusion and Human Resource Information System”. Perspective of Innovation, Economics, and Business, Vol. 12.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., El-Rimawi, S. Y., Masa’deh, R. MT., Maqableh, M. M., and Al-Jarrah, I. M. (2012). “Evaluating the Profitability of the Islamic Banks in Jordan”. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Vol. 56.
  • Harfoushi, O., Alfawwaz, B., Obeidat, B., Obeidat, R., Faris, H. (2013). “Impact of Internet Advertisement and its features on e-commerce retail sales: Evidence from Europe”. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 6, 564-570.
  • Abdallah, A. B., Obeidat, B. Y., Aqqad, N. O. (2014). “The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Supply Chain Performance in Jordan: The Moderating Effect of Competitive Intensity”. International Business Research, Vol. 7, No.3.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., and Abdallah, A. B. (2014). “The Relationships Among Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Commitment, And Knowledge Management Processes: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach”. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9, No. 3.
  • Sweis, R., Alghawi, H., Alsaleh, N. A., Alzubi, Z., Obeidat, B., (2015). “Benchmarking of TQM: The Case of Hikma Pharmaceuticals Company”. Benchmarking: an International Journal (Emerald Insight), Vol. 22, No. 3.
  • Masadeh, R., Obeidat, B. Y., Al-Dmour, R. H., and Tarhini, A. (2015). “Knowledge Management Strategies As Intermediary Variables Between IT business Strategic Alignment And Firm Performance”. European Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 7.
  • Masadeh, R., Tarhini, A., Al-Dmour, R. H., and Obeidat, B. Y. (2015). “Strategic IT-Business Alignment As Managers’ explorative And Exploitative Strategies”. European Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1.
  • Hajir, J. A., Obeidat, B. Y., Al-dalahmeh, M. A., and Masa’deh, R. (2015). “The Role of Knowledge Management Infrastructure in Enhancing Innovation at Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Jordan”. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 50, No. 3.
  • Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B., Zyod, D., and Gharaibeh, A. (2015). “The Associations among Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Job Performance, and Firm Performance: A Theoretical Model”. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), Vol. 4, No. 2, 848-866.
  • Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B., Al-Dmour, R., and Tarhini, A. (2015). “Knowledge Management Strategies as Intermediary Variables between IT-Business Strategic Alignment and Firm Performance”. European Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 7, 344-368.
  • Masa’deh, R., Tarhini, A., Al-Dmour, R., and Obeidat, B. (2015). “Strategic IT-Business Alignment as Managers’ Exploitative Strategies”. European Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 7, 437-457.
  • Al-Dmour,R., Obeidat, B., Masa’deh, R., and Almajali, D. (2015). “The Practice of HRIS Applications in Business Organizations in Jordan: An Empirical Study”. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 33, 37-5.
  • Al Kateb,G., Swies, R., Obeidat, B., Masa’deh, R. M., Magableh, M. (2015). An Investigation on the Critical Factors of Information System Implementation in Jordanian Information Technology Companies”. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 36, 11-28.
  • Obeidat, B.Y., Al-Suradi, M., Masa’deh, R., & Tarhini, A. (2016). “The Impact of Knowledge Management on Innovation: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Consultancy Firms”. Management Research Review (Emerald Insight), Vol. 39, No. 10.
  • Obeidat, B.Y., Al-Sarayrah, S., Tarhini, A., Al-Dmour, R. H., Al-Salti, Z. &Sweis, R. (2016). “Cultural Influence on Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: A Jordanian case study”. International Business Research, Vol. 9, No. 10.
  • Al-Sarayrah, S., Tarhini, A., Obeidat, B.Y., Al-Salti, Z., & Kattoua, T. (2016). “The Effect of Culture on Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: A Theoretical Perspective”. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research,Vol. 7, No. 4.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Hashem, L., Alansari, I, Tarhini, A., & Al-Salti, Z. (2016). “The Effect of Knowledge Management Uses on Total Quality Management Practices: A Theoretical Perspective”. Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 7, No. 4
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Al-Suradi, M., Masa’deh, R., Tarhini, A., (2016). “The impact of knowledge management on innovation: an empirical study on Jordanian consultancy firms”. Management Research Review, Vol. 39, No. 10.
  • Mahadeen, B., Al-Dmour, R., Obeidat, B. Y., & Tarhini, A., (2016). “Examining the effect of the Organization’s Internal Control System on Organizational Effectiveness: A Jordanian empirical study”. International Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 7, No. 6
  • Obeidat, B. Y. (2016). “The Effect of Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance: the Mediating Role of Innovation”. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 11.
  • Al-Dmour,R., Masa’deh, R., and ., Obeidat, B. (2017). “Factors Influencing The Adoption and Implementation of HRIS Application: Are They Similar”. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 14, No2.
  • Alrowwad, A., Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Aqqad, N,. (2017). “The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance via the Mediating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”. International Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 1.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Alaa, A., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., (2017). “Factors Affecting Strategy Implementation: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Companies in the Middle East”. Review of International Business and Strategy (Emerald Insight), Vol. 27, No. 3.
  • Ammari, G., Al Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., Obeidat, B., Abu Hussien, A., Alrowwad, A., (2017). “Investigating the Impact of Communication Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment: A Practical Approach to Increase Employees’ Loyalty”. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., Aqqad, N. O., (2017). “The impact of intellectual capital on innovation via the mediating role of knowledge management: a structural equation modelling approach”. Int. J. Knowledge Management Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3.
  • Sweis, R. J., Al Sharef, R., Jandali, D., Obeidat, B. Y., Andrawes, N., (2018). “The relationship between project team members’ effectiveness and acknowledgment of talent: Team members’ perspective”. International Journal of Construction Education and Research (Routledge), Vol. 14, No. 2.
  • Al-dalahmeh, M., Al-Shamaileh, O., Aloudat, A., Obeidat, B., (2018). ” The Viability of Mobile Services (SMS and Cell Broadcast) in Emergency Management Solutions:An Exploratory Study”. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol, 12, No. 1.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., Aqqad, N. O., (Accepted in 2018 and will be published in 2020). “The relationship Among Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management Styles, and Job Performance in Jordanian Banks”. Internatoional Journal of Human Resource Developmenet and Management (INDERSCIENCE). Vol. X, No. X.
  • Tarhini, A., Obeidat, B. Y., Masa’deh, R., Almajali, D., Aqqad, N. O., (Reviewing). “The Role of Organizational Commitment in Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness”. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Develpoment (Emerald Insight), Vo. X, No. X.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., Hashem, L., (2018). “The Influence of Knowledge Management Uses on Total Qulaity Management Practices in Commercial Banks of Jordan”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), 12, No. 11.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Al-Khateeb, A., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., (2018). ” Investigating the Mediating Role of Work / Life Balance and Motivational Drivers of Employee Engagement on the Relationship between Talent Management and Organization Performance”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), Vol, 12, No. 11.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Nofal, R., (2018). “The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Capability”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), Vol, 12, No. 11.
  • Al-Dalahmeh, M., Masa’deh, R., Abu Khalaf, R. K., Obeidat, B. Y., (2018). “The Effect of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance Via the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction: The Case of IT Employees in Jordanian Banking Sector”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), Vol, 12, No. 6.
  • Obeidat, B., Alkhalafat, F., (2018). “The Role Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Enhancing Firm Performance: The Medeiating Effect Of Transformational Leadership”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), Vol, 17, No. 7.
  • Obeidat, B., Yassin, H., (2018). “The Effect Of Talent Management On Organizational Effectiveness In Health Care Sector”. Modern Applied Science (ERA), Vol, 12, No. 11.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., (Forthcoming 2019). ‘The Role of Knowledge Management Infrastructure in Enhancing Job Satisfaction: A Developing Country Perspective”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (Emerald Insight), Vo. X, No. X.
  • Sweis, R., Obeidat, B. Y., (2019). “Benchmarking of TQM Practices in The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industry”. Benchmarking: An International Journal (Emerald Insight), Vol, 26, No. 6.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., Hanzab, J. (2019). “The Associations among Market Orientation, Technology Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Performance”. Benchmarking: An International Journal (Emerald Insight), Vol, 26, No. 3.
  • Nofal, R., Obeidat, B. (2019). “Reviewing the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Capability on the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Entrepreneurial Orientation”. Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM), Vol, 7, No. 2.
  • Sweis, R., Kanaan, R. K., Ismaiel, A., Obeidat, B. (Accepted). “Reviewing the Literature on Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance”. Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM), Vol, X, No. X.
  • Alamayreh, E. M., Sweis, R. J., and Obeidat, B. Y. (Accepted). “ The Relationship between Organisational Ambidexterity and
    Organisational Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation”. International Journal of Business Excellence (Emerald Insight), Vol, X, No. X.
Conference Papers
  • 5th Annual International Conference on Management, July 2008, Athens, Greece.
  • Intellectual Capital Development, January 2010, Kuwait, Kuwait.
  • International Business Information Management Conference (17th IBIMA) 2010.
  • International Business Information Management Conference (18th IBIMA), 2012.
  • International Business Information Management Conference (19th IBIMA) on 12-13 November 2012 in Barcelona, Spain. (Conference to go).
  • International Platform for Young Entrepreneurs, October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Obeidat, B. Y., Aqqad, N. O. , and Bany Mohammed, A. A., (2015). “The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership: Review of the Literature and a Theoretical Model”, in 3th Global Conference on Business, Economics, Managament and Tourism, Rome, Italy, 26-28th November.
  • Masa’deh, R., Gharaibeh, A., Tarhini, A., Obeidat, O. (2015). “Knowledge Sharing Capability: A Literature Review”, in 4th Scientific & Research Conference on New Trends in Business, Management and Social Sciences (COES&RJ-TK15/1), Istanbul, Turkey, 19-20th September, pp. 1-16.
  • Al-Dmour, R., Obeidat, B., Masa’deh, R., Almajali, D. (2015). “The Practice of HRIS Applications in Business Organizations in Jordan: An Empirical Study”, in 4th Scientific & Research Conference on New Trends in Business, Management and Social Sciences (COES&RJ-TK15/1), Istanbul, Turkey, 19-20th September, pp. 53-74.
  • Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B., Zyod, D., and Gharaibeh, A. (2015). “The Associations among Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Job Performance, and Firm Performance: A Theoretical Model”, in the Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism, Dubai , 26-27th March.
  • Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B., Odat, S., Bani Mohammed, A., and Tarhini, A. (2018). “The Effect of Innovation on Competitive Advantage in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan’, in CAM 2018, AUB, Lebanon on November 28th- December 1st.
  • Obeidat, B., Asha’al, N., Tarhini, A., Masa’deh, R., and Al-Muharrami, S. (2018). “The Impact of Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Learning Culture in Jordanian Telecommunication Companies’, in CAM 2018, AUB, Lebanon on November 28th- December 1st.
  • Al-Lozi, M., Al-Bawaia, E., Obeidat, B., Bany Mohammed, A., Masa’deh, R., and Tarhini, A. (2018). “The Impact of Corporate Culture and Employee Motivation on Organization Effectiveness in Jordanian Banking Sector”, in CAM 2018, AUB, Lebanon on November 28th- December 1st.
  • Alrowwad, A., Almajali, D. A., Masa’deh, R., Obeidat, B., Aqqad, N. (2019). ” The Role of Organizational Commitment in Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness”, in the International Business Information Management Conference (33rd IBIMA), Granada, Spain, on 10-11 April.

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