Home / Dr Derar Al-Daboubi / Research Activities
Derar Al-Daboubi ,Regulating the Electronic Sea Bill of Lading in Jordanian Law: A Comparative Study of its Feasibility , at the Journal of “Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences”
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘Right of Issuing Bank to be Subrogated to the Applicant of Letter of Credit under the Contract of Goods Insurance’, Transactions on Maritime Science, 11(2), 2022.
Derar Al-Daboubi, Electronic Legal Applications, (Book), Dar Al-Thaqafa, (2022).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘How Can Blockchain Revolutionize the Jordanian Banking Sector?’ Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, (57) 3. 2022.
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘Legal and Regulatory Framework for Monitoring Online Stores’. UUM Journal of Legal Studies. 13(1). (2022).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘The Legal Features of the Provisions of Unjust Enrichment in Jordanian Civil Law and Comparative Law’. Arab Law Quarterly (35) (2021).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘Legal Procedures for challenging the Arbitrator: Analytical Study in Light of the Jordanian and English Arbitration Laws’, Interciencia. 46(2) (2021).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘The Relationship between Seaworthiness of Vessel and Disclosure Obligation under UAE, US and English Law’, Journal of Sharia and Law, UAE. 88(35) (2021),
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘How Delivery of Goods without Tendering of Bill of Lading Can Discharge Liability of Maritime Carrier?’, Transactions on Maritime Science. 10(1) (2021).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘Transfer of ownership in sale contract involving carriage of goods by sea’. Arab Law Quarterly 35(4) (2020).
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘Limitation of Marine Carrier’s Liability under Jordanian Legal System’, IL Diritto Marittimo. (2020)
Derar Al-Daboubi, ‘The Role of the Marine Carrier in Operating a Passage of Risk in International Sale Contract’ IL Diritto Marittimo – Quaderni, 5 (2018).
The 12th Maritime Law & Policy International Research Conference, City University of London, 2022. London, UK.
The Eleventh Maritime Law & Policy International Research Conference, City University of London, 2021, UK.
Investment in the Shipping Sector-Reality and Challenges, Jordan Maritime Commission-Aqaba, 2020, Jordan.
Maritime Law Conference- Navigating Changes and Challenges in Global and Regional Shipping, Dubai International Financial Centre- Emirates Arbitration, 2019, (Delegate), UAE.
The Tenth Maritime Law & Policy International Research Conference, City University of London, 2019, (Delegate), UK.
Fourth International Maritime and Commercial Law Conference, Clyde & Co Law Firm, 2018, (Delegate), UK.
The Ninth Maritime Law & Policy International Research Conference, City University of London, 2018, (Delegate), UK.
Conference on Unity and Diversity in the Law of the International Sale of Goods. King’s College London, 2018, (Delegate), UK.
Seventh International Research Seminar in Maritime Port and Transport Law, Port Authority of Venice, 2018, Italy.
6th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law, Oxford University, 2017, UK.
Anglia Law School Doctoral Students Seminar, Anglia Ruskin University, 2017, UK.
Anglia Law School Doctoral Students Seminar, Anglia Ruskin University, 2016, UK.
Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 279 1400
Email: [email protected]