Research Activities

Journal Articles

  1. Pillai, R., Islam, A., Kumar, P., & Almustafa, H.(2024). “Assessing the influence of organisational citizenship behaviour towards environment on economic cost performance in UAE hotels. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. (Scopus,Q1)
  2. Alatassi, B., & Pillai, R. (2024). “Corporate governance and risk management: An evaluation of board responsibilities in western and Islamic banks”. Economics and Business Review, 10(1), 125-152. (Scopus, Q3)
  3. Pillai, R., Islam, M.A., Sreejith, S. and Al-Malkawi, H.A.N (2024).”Comparative analysis of environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings: do sectors and regions differ?”. Journal of Management and Governance, 1-41. (Scopus, Q1)
  4. Shaya, N., Mohebi, L., Pillai, R. and Abukhait, R. (2024). “Illegitimate Tasks, Negative Affectivity, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Private School Teachers: A Mediated– Moderated Model”. Sustainability, 16(2), 733. (Scopus, Q1)
  5. Shamsudin, F. M., Bani‐Melhem, S., Abukhait, R., Pillai, R., & Quratulain, S.(2023). “The role of leader favoritism, unfairness, and employability in employee psychological withdrawal behavior”. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. (Scopus, Q1)
  6. Mohd Shamsudin, F., Bani-Melhem, S., Abukhait, R., Aboelmaged, M. and Pillai, R. (2023). “Favouritism: a recipe for ostracism? How jealousy and self-esteem intervene”. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. (Scopus, Q1)
  7. Kratou, H., Pillai R., & Sharif, T. (2023). “Do low-skilled migrant remittances help achieve SDG 10?” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. (Scopus, Q2)
  8. Kumar, P., Islam, A., Pillai,R. & Sharif, T. ( 2023). “An assessment of behavioural, and psychological determinants of financial decision making”. Heliyon, Vol.9, No. 4. (Scopus, Q1)
  9. Kumar, P., Pillai,R., Kumar,N. & Tabash, M.(2023).”The interplay of skills, digital financial literacy, capability, and autonomy in financial decision-making and well-being”. Borsa Istanbul Review, 23, No. 1,169-183. (Scopus, Q1)
  10. Pillai, R. Malkawi, H.A.N. & Bhatti,I.(2021). “Assessing Institutional Dynamics of Governance Compliance in Emerging Markets: The GCC Real Estate Sector. Journal of Risk and Financial Management”. Vol.14, 501. (Scopus, Q2)
  11. Uddin, M.M.M., Sharif, T & Pillai, R. (2021). “Investigating the moderating role of human capital formation in the economic growth-environment nexus: Revisiting the EKC hypothesis through a Panel data study”. Applied Economics Quarterly. Vol.67, No. 1,71-112. (Q3, Scopus)
  12. Rajeev,B. & Pillai,R.(2020).”Integrating traditional and unconventional CSR theories and models- A theoretical framework”. International Journal of Current Research. 12, No. 6, 13170-13181.
  13. Al-Malkawi, H.A.N., Al Shiab, M. & Pillai, R. (2018). “The impact of company fundamentals on common stock prices: evidence from MENA region”. The Business and Management Review. Vol.9, No. 4,162-172.
  14. Al- Malkawi, H.A.N., & Pillai, R. (2018). “ Analyzing financial performance by integrating conventional gov. mechanisms into the GCC Islamic banking framework”. Managerial Finance.44, No. 5, 604-623. (Scopus, Q2)
  15. 15.Pillai, R. & Al- Malkawi, H.A.N. (2018). “On the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from GCC countries”. Research in International. Business and Finance. Vol. 44, 394-410. (Scopus, Q1)
  16. 16.Abu Khait, R. & Pillai,R. (2017). “Discussion paper on the key motivational factors impacting innovative climate”. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. Vol.3, No.1, 92-111. (Scopus, Q3)
  17. 17.Pillai, R. & Al- Malkawi, H.A.N. (2016). “Corporate governance in the GCC countries: Empirical assessment using conventional and non-conventional indices”. Journal of Developing areas. Vol.50, No. 6, 69-68. (Ranked B as per ABS)
  18. 18.Sharif, T., Purohit, H. & Pillai, R. (2015). “Determinants of Mkt Price of Shares in Bahrain”. International Journal of Economics & Finance. Vol. 7, No.3, 207-216.
  19. 19.Al- Malkawi, H.A.N, Pillai, R. & Bhatti, I. (2014). “Corporate governance practices in emerging markets: The Case of GCC Countries”. Economic Modelling. Vol.38,133-141. (Scopus, Q1)
  20. 20.Al-Malkawi, H.A. N & Pillai, R. (2013). “The impact of financial crisis on UAE real estate and construction sector: analysis and implications”. Humanomics. Vol.29, No.2, 115 – 135. (Scopus)
  21. 21.Munther, M.T. & Pillai, R. (2013). “Internet Financial Reporting in UAE- Analysis and Implications”. Global Review of Accounting & Finance. Vol.4, No.2, 142-160.
  22. 22.Al-Malkawi, HAN., Rafferty, M. & Pillai, R. (2010). “Dividend policy: A review of theories and empirical evidence”. International Bulletin of Business Administration, Vol. 9, No.1, 171-200.

Book Chapters


1.Al-Malkawi, H., Pillai, R. & AlShiab M. (2020) “Evaluating Microeconomic Factors, Financial Crisis and Stock Price Dynamics: Evidence from MENA Region” in Handbook of Research on Accounting and Financial Studies, Edited by Luís Farinha, Ana Baltazar Cruz, João Renato Sebastião. Published by IGI Global, USA.


2.Pillai, R. & Al-Malkawi, H. (2018) “Revisiting Corporate Governance Trends and Reforms in the UAE”, pp. 88-109, in Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: Specifics & Outlooks, Edited by D. Jamali, V. Bodolica and Y Lapina. Published by Virtus Interpress, Ukraine. ISBN: 978-617-7309-01-6.

Research Grants

Ajman University Research Grant (Funded) in 2023. Reference No. 2023-IRG-CBA-3 for the Project titled ‘Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and knowledge sharing in higher education: Mediating effects of role overload and moderating effects of passive leadership and resilience’(Co- investigator)




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