Home / Dr Solomon David / Research Activities
Mohebi, L. & David, S.A. (2023). Exploring the career choices of undergraduate Emirati students: A study towards furthering career guidance policies and practices in the UAE (under review)
David, S.A., & Osborne, M. (2022). Implications of internationalisation of higher education for teaching and learning practices in tertiary education (under review)
David, S.A., (2023). Impacts of internationalisation for quality assurance: A case study on institutional best practices for quality assurance in a research university. Higher Education Forum, 20, 141-156. https://ir.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/journals/HighEduForum/v/20/item/53857
David, S.A. (2023). Top ten indications of a future university. Higher Education Digest. https://www.highereducationdigest.com/top-ten-indications-of-a-future-university/
Hind, A., David, S.A., (2023). The Impact of Citizenship Education in Nurturing Students’ Positive Behaviours: Exploring the Perceptions of Students in a Private School in Dubai. Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 22, 1-32. https://infinitypress.info/index.php/jsss/article/view/2175
David SA. (2023). Towards a dialogical and progressive educational policy framework: Manoeuvring a middle way among the polarised constructs. F1000Research, 12:74 https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.127762.1 https://f1000research.com/articles/12-74
Hague, A., & David, S.A. (2022). Effective curriculum implementation for optimal teaching and learning experience: a study from a private school in Dubai. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 15(1), 1-20. https://ijci.globets.org/index.php/IJCI/article/view/1075
David, S.A., et.al. (2022). Epistemic access to higher education: Exploring students’ views and experiences on regular and distance programmes, International Journal of Instruction, 16(1), 151-172. https://www.e-iji.net/dosyalar/iji_2023_1_9.pdf
Abdulai, A., & David, S.A. (2022). Editorial: Future of educational management and leadership: leading the way. Journal for Researching Education Practice and Theory, 5(2), 1-5. https://bspace.buid.ac.ae/buid_server/api/core/bitstreams/18015c35-3e74-4b7d-9c79-526bccc0bc18/content
Yahya, A., & David, S.A. (2022). Teacher’s job satisfaction in instructional delivery modalities, and the role of school leaders: a study among selected private schools in the UAE. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management and Leadership, 3(2), 105-122. https://doi.org/10.51629/ijeamal.v3i2.93 https://harpressid.com/index.php/IJEAMaL/article/view/93
David, S.A. (2022). Critical Review on the Future of Teaching and Learning in the Post- Pandemic World: Top Ten Issues and Top Ten Ideas. International Journal of Asian Education, 3(2), 138-147. https://doi.org/10.46966/ijae.v3i2.288 https://ijae.journal-asia.education/index.php/data/article/view/288
David, S.A., & Hill, C. (2021). Transforming teaching and learning in tertiary education: postgraduate students’ perspectives from the UAE. Education + Training, 63(4), 562-578 https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-05-2020-0122 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ET-05-2020-0122/full/html?skipTracking=true
Abukari, A., & David, S.A., (2021). Editorial: Leading Education in Times of Crisis: Perils or Opportunities? Journal for Researching Education Practice and Theory, 4(2), 1-3. https://bspace.buid.ac.ae/buid_server/api/core/bitstreams/8e3b7b12-dc49-4881-9519-c24e9fdd2fe3/content
Khulood, A., David., S.A., & Tamim, R.M. (2021), Implications of educational management during COVID-10 Pandemic. Journal for Researching Education Practice and Theory, 4(2), 88-127. https://bspace.buid.ac.ae/buid_server/api/core/bitstreams/46866714-a75e-4eb1-a216-d49b7c29e3d1/content
El Din, AMG & David, S.A., (2021). International mindedness: global perspectives for learners and educators. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 20(1), 99-101. https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/IEJ/article/view/14923
Mansour, HF & David, S.A., (2021). Teacher’s organisational commitment in mechanistic school structures: a study conducted on the job characteristics of a private school in Abu Dhabi. Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 6(1), 11-26. DOI:10.21742/AJEMR.2021.6.1.02 https://gvpress.com/journals/AJEMR/vol6_no1/vol6_no1_2021_02.html
Abbasi, MA., & David, S.A., (2021). The impact of continuous professional development on teacher’s performance: A case study among teachers in a private school in Dubai. Globus Journal of Progressive Education, 11(2), 106-117. doi:10.46360/globus.edu.220212016 https://www.globusedujournal.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/GE-JD21-Mona-Al-Abbassi.pdf
Al Hassanieh, R., & David, S.A., (2020). The Influence of Distributed Leadership on Effective School Governance and Improved School Performance: A Study Conducted in Two Private Schools in the UAE, Journal of Educational Leadership in Action, 7(1). https://digitalcommons.lindenwood.edu/ela/vol7/iss1/9/
David, S.A., & Hill, C. (2020). Curriculum innovation for postgraduate programmes: perspectives of postgraduate learners in the UAE, International Journal of Innovation and Learning. 28(3), 297-316. DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2020.109838 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJIL.2020.109838
Baroudi, S., & David, SA. (2020). Nurturing female leadership skills through peer mentoring role: A study among undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates. Higher Education Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12249 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/hequ.12249
David, S.A., & Abukari, A., (2019). Perspectives of teachers on selection and development of school leaders in the UAE. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(1), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-02-2019-0057 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJEM-02-2019-0057/full/html
Al Samkari, H, & David, S.A., (2019). The role and impacts of authentic leadership on staff engagement and performance: A study among school leaders and teachers in private schools in the UAE. Specialty Journal of Psychology and Management, 5(4), 65-78. https://sciarena.com/article/the-role-and-impacts-of-authentic-leadership-on-staff-engagement-and-performance-a-study-among-school-leaders-and-teachers-in-private-schools-in-the-uae
Mohebi, L, & David, S.A. (2019). Pre-service teachers’ perspectives on their preparedness to use technology in classrooms in the United Arab Emirates: A qualitative approach, SSRN Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3421431 https://ssrn.com/abstract=3421431
Bahaireh, S., & David, S.A., (2019). Appreciative leadership and teachers’ subjective well-being: An appreciative tool for an appreciate outcome. Speciality Journal of Psychology and Management, 5(3), 46-63. https://sciarena.com/article/appreciative-leadership-and-teachers-subjective-well-being-an-appreciative-tool-for-an-appreciative-outcome
Albasha, W., & David, S.A., (2019). Teacher’s perspective on engaged teaching: Study from an American curriculum school in Dubai. Speciality Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(2), 1-13. https://sciarena.com/article/teachers-perspectives-on-engaged-teaching-study-from-an-american-curriculum-school-in-dubai
Abukari, A., & David, S.A. (2019). Quality assuring the professional doctorate: Challenging traditional precepts through the supervisors’/advisers’ lens. Quality Assurance in Education, 27(3), 304-319. https://doi.org/10.1108/QAE-08-2017-0052 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/QAE-08-2017-0052/full/html
David, S.A., (2019). The relationship between the third mission and university ranking: exploring the outreach of the top ranked universities in BRICS countries, Innovation, 3(3), 1-21. https://mosiur.org/files/conference_proceedings_2018/Third_mission_and_university_ranking_Solomon_A._David.pdf
Eltanahy, M., & David, S.A (2018). A study investigating the factors influencing predominant teaching strategies used in American curriculum schools in the UAE. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 9(3), 275-290. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTCS.2018.093561 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJTCS.2018.093561
Hadayat, N., & David, S.A (2018). Impact of cognitively modified instruction on vocabulary acquisition of second language users of grade 2: a study conducted in a private American school in Dubai. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 6(3), 34-51. https://eajournals.org/ijelt/vol-6-issue-3-april-2018/impact-cognitively-modified-instruction-vocabulary-acquisition-second-language-users-grade-2-study-conducted-private-american-school-dubai/
AbuZayed, I., & David, S.A (2018). The Way Forward: Reviewing an Interior Design Curriculum in the United Arab Emirates, Research Journal of Education, 4(1), 1-11. https://ideas.repec.org/a/arp/rjearp/2018p1-11.html
David S A & Motala S (2017). Can BRICS Build Ivory Towers of Excellence? Giving New Meaning to the World Class Universities. Research in Comparative and International Education, 12(4), 512-528. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745499917740652 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1745499917740652
David, S.A., (2017). Knowledge convergence towards economic polarisation: undergraduate students’ postgraduate course choice in the UAE. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 8(3/4), 316-328. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKMS.2017.087075 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJKMS.2017.087075
David S A, Taleb H, Scatolini S, Al-Qallaf A, Al-Shammari H S & George M A (2017). An investigation into educational learning mobility among the Gulf cooperation council countries. International Journal of Educational Development, 55 (2017), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2017.05.001 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0738059317302845
Al Husseini, A & David, S. A (2017). The Impact of Head Teachers’ Instructional Leadership Role on Teachers’ Professional Practices in Four Private Schools in Dubai, the UAE, Research Nebula, 6(1), 23-28. https://www.ycjournal.net/ResearchNebula/ResearchDocuments/TheImpacto636301838691010000.pdf
El Alfy, S & David, S. A (2017). Investigating Organizational Justice in Higher Education in U.A.E. International Journal of Management in Education, 11(2), 163-187. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMIE.2017.083355 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJMIE.2017.083355
Daraghmeh, H.A.R., & David, S.A (2017). Benchmarking of Educational Leaders’ Technology Utilization: A study of the attitudes of education leaders in using technology in the UAE. Education Research Journal. 7(3), 48-58.
David, S.A. (2017). Internationalisation of higher education in the UAE and the implications for undergraduate student’s institutional choice for postgraduate studies. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration. 1(2), 235-250. https://doi.org/10.1386/tjtm.1.2.235_1 https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/tjtm.1.2.235_1
David, S. A. (2016). Social Responsiveness of Higher Education in India: Embracing or Embarrassing Access, Equity and Social Justice. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. 8(4), 181-193. https://dx.doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v8n4.20 https://rupkatha.com/V8/n4/v8n420.pdf
Rensburg, I., Motala, S. & David, S. A (2016). Research Collaboration among Emerging Economies: Policy and Economic Implications for BRICS Nations. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 9(4), 344-360. DOI: 10.1504/IJEPEE.2016.081406 https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=81406
Abu Afifeh, K. A & David, S. A (2016). Identifying leadership styles that influence students’ learning environment: Perspectives from five schools in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Research Demagogue, 3(1), 40-45. https://www.ycjournal.net/ResearchDemagogue/ResearchDocuments/Identifyin636278511659036250.pdf
Reema, A. S & David S. A (2016). Impact of an Intervention on Environmental Educational Awareness and Behavior on one Middle School Students in the UAE. Research Tracks, 3(2), 14-17. https://www.ycjournal.net/ResearchTracks/ResearchPapers.aspx
Al Rasbi, S & David S. A (2016). Students’ Perception of Academic Library Services in their Learning Progress. A Quarterly Referred Journal on Dialogues on Education 5(1), 330-358.
Rensburg, I., Motala, S. & David, S.A. (2015). Learning Mobility and Internationalisation of Higher Education: Economic and Policy Implications for BRICS Nations. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 6(3), 262-278. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEED.2015.073164 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEED.2015.073164
Rensburg, I., Motala, S. & David, S.A. (2015). Opportunities and Challenges for Research Collaboration among BRICS nations. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 45(5), 814-818. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2015.1074823 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057925.2015.1074823
David, S. A. (2015). The power of imagination and intellectual curiosity: Creative thinking and innovative teaching learning practices. A Quarterly Referred Journal on Dialogues on Education, (ISSN 2278-2435), 4(2), 154-163.
Rensburg, I., Motala, S. & David, S.A. (2015). Internationalisation of Higher Education: a South African Perspectives. Frontiers of Education in China, 10(1), 91-109. DOI 10. 3868/s110-004-015-0006-8 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03397054
David, S. A. & Wildemeersch, D. (2014). Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in Times of Globalisation. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 75(4), 555-574. https://journals.tiss.edu/ijsw/index.php/ijsw/article/view/43
David, S.A., (2014). Economic Globalisation and Higher Education Transformation: Comparing the Trends in the States, Kerala and Tamil Nadu of India, Journal of Social Sciences, 38:3, 283-292, DOI: 10.1080/09718923.2014.11893258 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09718923.2014.11893258
David, S. A. (2013). A Critical Understanding on Learning Management System. A Quarterly Referred Journal on Dialogues on Education, (ISSN 2278-2435), 2(4), 4-12.
David, S. A. (2010). Learning Mobility between Europe and India: New Face of International Cooperation. In Goncalve S (2010), Eds., Exedra Journal, Special Issue on ‘European Perspectives on Internationalisation: Sharing Policies and Good Practices. http://exedra.esec.pt/docs/s-internacionalizacao/00-1-9.pdf
David, S. A. (2010). The New Face of Higher Education Cooperation between the EU and India, Stage Magazine, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
David, S. A., Sanyal B K., & Wildemeersch, D. (2007). Engaging with Cross-Border Higher Education in India while Sustaining the Best Tradition of Indian Values. University News, 45, (37). Association of Indian Universities, Delhi, India. https://www.oecd.org/site/imhe2006bis/37464379.pdf
David, S. A., & Wildeneersch, D. (2006). Dealing with Cross-Border Higher Education: Comparing the Chinese and the Indian ways. Tertium Comparationis. 12(2), pp. 145-163. DOI: 10.25656/01:2972 https://www.pedocs.de/volltexte/2012/2972/pdf/TC_2_2006_david_D_A.pdf
David, S. A., & Wildemeersch, D. (2005). The impacts of the World Bank on educational policy making: General Tendencies in India. Research and Reflections on Education, 3(3), pp. 1-10.
Oganesyan, A., Nalbandyan, A., David, S.A. (2021). Increasing International Networks of Universities: Emerging New Forms of University Cooperation. In: Solovev, D.B., Savaley, V.V., Bekker, A.T., Petukhov, V.I. (eds) Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference “FarEastСon 2020”. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 227. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0953-4_77 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0953-4_77
Motala, S., & David, S A (2020). General Trends and Impacts of the Internatioanlsiaion of Higher Educaiton in South Africa. In Rensburg, I., Motala, S., & Cross, M. (2020) (Eds.,) Transforming Universiites in South Africa: Pathways to Higher Education Reform. Boston: Brill / Sense. Pp.201-220. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004437043_010 https://brill.com/display/book/edcoll/9789004437043/BP000018.xml
Al Junaibi N & David S A (2015). The Role of New School Model in Abu Dhabi towards a Student-Centered Classroom. In George M A, Scatolini S S & David S A (2015) (Eds.,). Including the other Acknowledging difference in Education. Euro-Khaleeji.
David, S. A. (2014). Excellence, equity and efficiency for access and success in higher education: Towards progressive inclusion and throughput in India. In: Lawrence, Arul A.S., Barathi C., & Vadivu, Pandia P. (Eds.), Transformation in Higher Education (pp. 1-11). New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
David, S. A. & Wildemeersch D. (2010). Globalisation and growing global perspectives in higher education curriculum: General tendencies in India. In: Majhanovic s., Gok F., Soudien C., Macleans A. (2010) (Eds.), Education, Language, and Economics: Growing National and Global Dilemmas. Rotterdam: Sense. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789460911958_002 https://brill.com/display/book/9789460911958/BP000002.xml
David, S. A. (2010). Globalisation and Higher Education Restructuring: Current Trends in India. In Milton, G. (2010) Eds., International Explorations in Education. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
David, S.A., (2019). Transforming teaching and learning in tertiary education: postgraduate students’ perspectives from the UAE. ICTEL, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2019.
David, S.A., (2018). The relationship between the third mission and university ranking: exploring the outreach of the top ranked universities in BRICS countries, Moscow Ranking, Dec, 2018.
David, S.A., (2018). Towards a dialogical and progressive educational policy framework: manoeuvring a middle way among the polarised constructs. CESE, May 2018 Cyprus.
David, S.A., (2018). Curriculum innovation for postgraduate programmes: perspectives of postgraduate learners in the UAE. GCE Symposium, April 2018, RAK, UAE.
David, S.A., (2018). Institutional best practices for quality assurance in research universities: a case study on the British University in Dubai, Int., Seminar, New Delhi, India, Jan 2018.
David, S.A. (2016). Internationalisation of higher education in the UAE and the implications for undergraduate student’s institutional choice for postgraduate studies. ISANA Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 7-9, Dec, 2016.
David, S.A. (2016). Epistemic Access and the Essence of Knowledge Pursuit: Postgraduate Scholars’ Experience in the UAE. World Comparative Education Congress, Beijing, 22-26, Aug 2016.
David, S.A. (2016). Knowledge Convergence towards Economic Polarisation: Undergraduate Students’ Postgraduate Course Choices in the UAE. European Comparative Education Society Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1-3, June, 2016.
David, S.A. (2015). Social Responsiveness of Higher Education: Embracing Access, Equity and Social Justice in India. ICIE Conference, Krakow, Poland, 1-4, July, 2016.
David, S.A. & Motala, S (2015). Can BRICS Build Ivory Towers of Excellence? Giving New Meaning to the World Class Universities. CIES. pp. 62. Washington D.C., USA. 8-12 March.
David, S. A. (2014). The power of imagination and intellectual curiosity: Creative thinking and innovative teaching learning practices. Conference on Creative and Critical Thinking. Holy Trinity College of Education, Melpalai, Marthandam, India. 5-6 November.
David, S.A. & Motala, S (2014). Epistemic Access and Social Justice in Higher Education. Towards a Progressive Inclusion. SAERA, Durban, South Africa, 12-14 Aug, 2014.
Cross, M., David, S. A. & Shonubi, O. (2014). Socially Embedded University: Embracing Access, Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education in India, South Africa and the USA. CIES Conference, 11-15 March 2014, Toronto, Canada.
David, S.A. & Motala, S (2013). Internationalisation of Higher Education: Implications for Learning Mobility among BRICS. IEASA, CUT, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 22-25 August 2013.
David, S. A. (2013). Implications of Economic Globalisation on Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring: Comparing the Trends in the States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu of India. It was presented at Global Conclave for Young Scholars, (27-01-11), New Delhi, India.
David, S. A., & Wildemeersch, D. (2008). Globalisation and Curriculum Restructuring in Higher Education in India. Global Research Seminar: Sharing Research Agendas on Knowledge Systems. (28-30 November 2008), UNESCO, Paris, France.
David, S. A., & Wildemeersch, D. (2007). Globalisation and growing global perspectives in higher education curriculum: General tendencies in India. It was presented at World Comparative Education Congress XIII at Sarajeva, Bosnia (3-7, September 2007).
David, S. A., Sanyal, B. K., & Wildemeersch, D. (2006). Engaging with Cross-Border Higher Education in India while Sustaining the Best Tradition of Indian Values. It was presented at OECD Conference on Values and Ethics: (11-13, September 2006), OECD, Paris, France.
David, S. A., & Wildemeersch, D. (2006). Dealing with Cross-Border Higher Education: Comparing the Chinese and the Indian ways. It was presented at XXII Comparative Education Society in Europe, Conference (3-5, July 2006), Granada, Spain.
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