Teaching and Supervision

Teaching (Modules taught):

  1. Qualitative Research Method
  2. Educational Policy
  3. Organisational Behaviour
  4. Leadership for School Improvement
  5. Professional values and ethics
  6. Teaching and learning in higher education


Areas of Supervision and Consultancy

Supervised 20 doctoral, 5 Mphil., and 65+ masters scholars and currently supervising several doctoral and masters scholars.  

  1. Educational management, leadership and policy
  2. Comparative, international higher education
  3. Curriculum & Instruction
  4. Intercultural and citizenship education
  5. Sociology of education and knowledge

The British University in Dubai

Block 11, 1st and 2nd floor, Dubai International Academic City PO Box 345015, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 279 1400


Email: [email protected]