Home / Professor Sulafa Badi / Research Activities
Badi, S. (2023), The Role of Blockchain in Enabling Inter-organisational Supply Chain Alignments for Value Co-creation in the Construction Industry, Construction Management and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2023.2260906 [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. & Nasaj, M. (2023), Cybersecurity effectiveness in UK construction firms: An extended McKinsey 7S model approach, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-12-2022-1131. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. (2023), Relationship between organisational culture and collective coping strategies in project teams: An exploratory quantitative study in the UAE construction industry, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-12-2021-0685. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Nasaj, M; Badi, S., Murtagh, N & Blaique, L. (2022), Intrapreneurial personality and individual innovation behaviour in service organisations: Network building ability as a mediator, International Journal of Innovation Management. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919622500293. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Murtagh, N., Badi, S., Shi, Y., Wei, S., & Yu, W. (2022). Living with air-conditioning: experiences in Dubai, Chongqing and London. Buildings and Cities, 3(1), 10–27. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S., Ochieng, E., Nasaj, M., & Papadaki, M. (2021). Technological, organisational and environmental determinants of smart contracts adoption: UK construction sector viewpoint. Construction Management and Economics, 39(1), 36-54. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Sinkala, A., Ochieng, E., Ominde, D., Zuofa, T & Badi, S. (2021), Reimaging Public-Private Partnership Model as Hybrid: South Africa Viewpoint, Public Works Management & Policy. 27(2), 152-183. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Badi, S. (2021). Facilitating ESCO market development through value co-creation: role of utility sector intermediaries. Energy Efficiency, 14(6), 1-22. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Badi, S., Ji, H. and Ochieng, E.G. (2021). Information Seeking and Collaborative Decision-Making Behaviour in Consultancy Project Teams: A Network Theoretic Viewpoint. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 71(8), pp. 3655-3682. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Nasaj, M., & Badi, S. (2021). The influence of network building on the innovative work behaviour of self-monitoring individuals: integrating personality and social capital perspectives. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(4), 2150038. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Badi, S. and Said, H. (2020), Digital transformation and the cybersecurity of infrastructure systems: case oil and gas sector, In: Ochieng, E., Zoufa, T and Badi, S. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Planning and Management of Global Strategic Infrastructure Projects, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Ochieng, E., Zoufa, T and Badi, S. (2020), Routledge Handbook of Planning and Management of Global Strategic Infrastructure Projects, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Badi, S.; Rocher, W. and Ocheing, E (2020), The impact of social power and influence on the implementation of innovation strategies: A case study of a UK mega infrastructure construction project, European Management Journal, 38(5),736-749. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Murtagh, N., & Badi, S. (2020). Green Supply Chain Management in Construction: A Systematic Literature Review, In Pryke, S. (ed.) Successful Construction Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Badi, S. & Murtagh, N. (2019), Green supply chain management in construction: A systematic literature review and future research agenda, Journal of Cleaner Production, 223, 312-322. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Pryke, S., Badi, S., Soundararaj, B., & Addyman, S. (2018), Self-Organising Networks in Complex Infrastructure Projects. Project Management Journal, 49(2), 18–41. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. and Diamentidou, D. (2017), A Social Network Perspective of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Greek Construction Projects, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 13(6), 406-422. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Pryke, S.; Badi, S. and Bygballe, L. (2017), Editorial for the Special Issue: Social Networks in Construction, Construction Management and Economics, 35 (8–9), 445–454. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S.; Wang, L. and Pryke, S. (2017), Relationship Marketing in Guanxi networks: A Social Network Analysis Study of Chinese construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Industrial Marketing Management, 60 (2017), 204-218. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. (2016). Public sustainable-energy requirements and innovation in UK PFI school projects. Construction Management and Economics, 35(4), 218-238. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. and Pryke, S. (2016), Assessing the impact of risk allocation on Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI): The case of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(2), 1-25. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Broft, R., Badi, S. M. and Pryke, S. (2016), Towards Supply-Chain Maturity in Construction, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6(2), 187-204. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Pryke, S., Lunic, D. and Badi, S. (2015). The effect of leader emotional intelligence on leader-follower chemistry: A study of construction project managers. Construction Management and Economics, 33(8), 603-624. [SCOPUS ranking: Q1].
Badi, S. and Pryke, S. (2015). Assessing the quality of collaboration towards the achievement of Sustainable Energy Innovation in PFI school projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 8(3), 408 – 440. [SCOPUS ranking: Q2].
Pryke, S; Soundararaj, B; Addyman, S and Badi, S (2017), Evaluation: collaborative teams for complex infrastructure projects through Social Network Analysis, The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, UCL, London, UK. Available online: https://goo.gl/vC4p6p.
Pryke, S. and Badi, S. (2016), The Hub and the Place: An international study of the processes and stimulants of large transport hubs and the effects on urban development in the UK, China, and India, The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), London, UK.
Doloi, H, Pryke, S. and Badi, S. (2016), The Practice of Stakeholders’ Engagement in Infrastructure Projects: A comparative study of two major projects in Australia and the UK, The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), London, UK.
Nasaj, M & Badi, S. (2023), Assessing the cybersecurity effectiveness of UK construction firms: An extended McKinsey’s 7S approach, ICOM 2023 The 5th International Conference on Organization and Management, Abu Dhabi University, February 22-24, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (paper won ICOM2023 Best Paper Award).
Said, H., Al Barghuthi, N., Badi, S. and Girija, S. (2023), How can blockchain technology be used to manage the Covid-19 vaccine supply chain? A systematic literature review and future research directions, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT2023), 20-23rd February, London, UK.
Al Barghuthi, N., Said, H., Badi, S. and Girija, S. (2022), Security Risk Assessment of Blockchain-based Patient Health Record Systems, Proceedings of the 19th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS2022), 21- 22 December, Manchester, UK.
Ali, A. A., and Badi, S. (2021). Exploring the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Implementation at Individual and Team Levels: A Case Study in the UAE Government Sector. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 597-613). Springer, Cham.
Sun, Z., & Badi, S. (2020). Evaluating the Impacts of IoT Implementation on Inter-organisational Value Co-creation in the Chinese Construction Industry. In European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (pp. 698-714). Springer, Cham.
Badi, S.; Sourlantzi, E, Papadonakolaki, E and Ochieng, E. (2020), Blockchain-Based Innovation in UK Construction: A User Perspective, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2020, 4-6th December, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Murtagh, N. and Badi, S. (2018), Green Supply Chain Management in Construction: A Systematic Review, ARCOM 2018 (Association of Researchers in Construction Management), Queen’s University, Belfast, UK, 3-5 September 2018.
Sotiropoulos, D. and Badi, S. (2018) Supply Chain Management and the Competitiveness of Subcontractor firms in the UK construction industry, COBRA 2018 (Annual conference of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors), 24-26 Apr 2018, London, UK.
Mandalia, B., Badi, S. and Pryke, S. (2018) Facilitating coordination, integration and the building of social capital through social media in a large infrastructure programme, COBRA 2018 (Annual conference of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors), 24-26 Apr 2018, London, UK.
Badi, S.; Razmdoost, K. and Murtagh, N. (2017), Processes of service ecosystem collapse: the UK Green Deal as an illustrative case, ARCOM 2017 (Association of Researchers in Construction Management), University of Cambridge, UK, 4-6 September 2017.
Badi, S.; Razmdoost, K. and Murtagh, N. (2017), When service ecosystems collapse: understanding the demise of the UK Green Deal, Naples Forum on Services, Sorrento, Italy, 6-9 June 2017 (Paper won NFS Best Paper Award in the category ‘Networks and Systems’)
Ojuri, O., Pryke, S. and Badi, S. (2017). Service exchange between service ecosystems and networks: resource integrators as value co-creation. Naples Forum on Services, 6-9 June, Sorrento, Italy.
Ojuri, O., Pryke, S. and Badi, S. (2017). Knowledge brokers in water infrastructure supply chain actors: Are they an issue? Dresden Nexus Conference, 17-19 May, Dresden, Germany.
Badi, S., Li, M. and Pryke, S. (2016). The Influence of Communication Network Centrality on Individual Popularity: A Case Study of a Chinese Construction Project, COBRA 2016 (Annual conference of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors), Toronto, Canada, 19-22 September 2016.
Badi, S.; Wang, L. and Pryke, S. (2016). Relationship Marketing in Guanxi networks: A Social Network Analysis Study of Chinese construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Sunbelt XXXVI- Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, California, 4-10 April 2016.
Diamantidou, D. and Badi, S. (2015), Assessing the Impact of Building Information Modelling (BIM) on Inter-organisational Communication in Construction Projects: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) Study, Sunbelt XXXV- Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Brighton, UK, 23 Jun 2015–28 Jun 2015.
Pryke, S.; Badi, S.; Soundararaj, B. Watson, E. and Addyman, S. (2015). Managing complex infrastructure projects: A social network perspective, IRNOP 2015 (Annual conference of the International Research Network on Organising by Projects), University College London, London, UK, 22 Jun 2015-24 Jun 2015.
Pryke, S.; Badi, S.; Soundararaj, B. Watson, E. and Addyman, S. (2015). Self-organising networks in complex projects. COBRA 2015 (Annual conference of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors), Sydney, Australia, 8 Jul 2015-10 Jul 2015 (paper won RICS 2015 Best Construction Paper Award).
Badi, S. M. (2014). Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Innovation in PFI school projects. Presented at: Energy, Society and People: A multi-disciplinary UCL Symposium. 29 May 2014.
Badi, S. M. and Pryke, S. (2014). Risk allocation and Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI) in complex public-sector procurement: the case of the UK’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects. EURAM 2014 (Annual conference of the European Academy of Management), Valencia, Spain, 04 Jun 2014–07 Jun 2014.
Pryke, S., Broft, R. and Badi, S. M. (2014). SCM and extended integration at the lower tiers of the construction supply chain: An explorative study in the Dutch construction industry. CIB 2014 (Annual conference of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction), Sri Lanka, 04 May 2014– 07 May 2014 (Paper won CIB 2014 Best Paper Award)
Pryke, S., Lunic, D. and Badi, S. M. (2014). The effect of leader emotional intelligence on leader-follower chemistry: A study of construction project managers. EURAM 2014 (Annual conference of the European Academy of Management), Valencia, Spain, 04 Jun 2014–07 Jun 2014.
Badi, S. M., Almadhoob, H. and Pryke, S. (2014). The Influence of Social Networks on Firm’s Success, Survival and Growth: A Social Network Analysis investigation of SMEs in the Bahrain Construction Industry. Sunbelt XXXIV- Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA), St Pete Beach, Florida, 18 Feb 2014–23 Feb 2014.
Badi, S. and Pryke, S. (2013). Client/User-Producer communication and collaboration and Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI) in complex public-sector procurement: The case of the UK’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects. EURAM 2013 (Annual conference of the European Academy of Management), Istanbul, Turkey, 26 Jun 2013– 29 Jun 2013.
Pryke, S. and Badi, S. M. (2013). Identifying optimal business network configurations in construction project supply chains. Sunbelt XXXIII-Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Germany, 21 May 2013–26 May 2013.
Pryke, S., Watson, E. and Badi, S. M. (2013). Project Performance and Client Centrality. EURAM 2013 (Annual conference of the European Academy of Management), Istanbul, Turkey, 26 Jun 2013–29 Jun 2013.
Badi, S. M. and Pryke, S. (2006). The effect of trust on the accuracy of design-development information flows in UK construction new procurement systems: A social network analysis. Sunbelt XXVI-Annual research conference of the International Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Vancouver, Canada, 24 Apr 2006–30 Apr 2006.
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