Research Activities

Broad Research Interests
  1. People and organisational challenges
  2. Multi-partner collaboration and team integration
  3. Project value creation
  4. Digitisation and organisational processes
  5. Managing project processes
  6. Stakeholder sense-making
  7. Management of infrastructure development
  8. Political economy and the management of mega projects
  9. Supply chain management
  10. Energy and economy


Authored and edited books





Highlighted Journal Publications
  1. Ochieng, E.G., Ominde, D. and Zuofa, T. (2024). Potential application of generative artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithm in oil and gas sector: Benefits and future prospects. Technology and Society, 79 (10271). Technology in Society.


  1. Ominde, D., Ochieng, E.G. and Zuofa, T. (2024). Multilateral analysis of stakeholder integration, project complexity and project performance on information technology organisational projects. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.


  1. Zuofa, T., Ochieng, E.G. and Ode-Ichakpa, I. (2022). An evaluation of determinants influencing and impeding the adoption of circular economy model. Building Research and Information. 51 (1), 69-84.


  1. Ominde, D., Ochieng, E.G. and Omwenga, V. (2022). An assessment tool for stakeholder integration excellence and project delivery optimisation. International Journal of Productivity and Performance. 72 (7), pp. 2155-2182. Available from:  


  1. Ominde, D., Ochieng, E.G. and Omwenga, V. (2021). Optimising ICT infrastructure performance in developing countries: Kenyan viewpoint. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 169 (120844).


  1. Ugonna, C. U., Ochieng, E.G. and Zuofa, T. (2021). Augmenting the delivery of public research and development projects in developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129 (120830).


  1. Badi, S., Rocher, W. and Ochieng, E.G. (2020). The impact of social power and influence on the implementation of innovation strategies. A case study of a UK mega infrastructure construction project. European Management Journal, 38 (5), pp. 736-749. DOI:


  1. Ambituuni, A., Ochieng, E.G. and Amezaga, J.M. (2019). Optimising the integrity of safety-critical petroleum assets: A project conceptual approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 66 (2), pp. 1-16.


  1. Ochieng, E.G., Ovbagbedia, O.O., Abdulai, R., Matipa, W., Zuofa, T. and Ruan, X. and Oledinma, A. (2018). A. Utilising a systematic knowledge management-based system to optimise project management operations in oil and gas organisations. Information Technology and People, 31(2), pp. 1-29.


  1. Mpofu, B., Ochieng, E.G., Pretorius, A. and Moobela, C. (2017). Profiling causative factors leading to construction project delays in the United Arab Emirates. Engineering, Construction Architectural and Management, 24 (2), pp.346-376.


  1. Ochieng, E.G.,Price, A.D.F, Zuofa, T., Egbu, C. and Ruan, X. (2016). Revitalising capital project development and execution strategies: Lessons from the energy sector. Production Planning and Control, 27 (4), 237-248.


  1. Zuofa, T. and Ochieng, E.G. (2016). Sustainability in construction projects delivery: A study of experienced project managers in Nigeria. Project Management Journal, 47 (6), pp. 44-55.


  1. Ochieng, E.G., Melaine, Y, Potts, S.J., Zuofa, T., Egbu, C.O., Price, A.D.F. and Ruan, X. (2014). Future for offshore wind energy in the United Kingdom: The way forward. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, 655-666.


  1. Ochieng, E.G., Price, D.F., Ruan, X., Egbu, C.O. and Moore, D. (2013). The effect of uncertainty and complexity within multicultural construction teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 20 (3), pp. 307-324.


  1. Ruan, X., Ochieng, E.G., Price, A.D.F. and Egbu, C.O. (2012). Knowledge integration process in construction projects: a social network analysis approach to compare competitive and collaborative working. Construction Management and Economics, 30 (1), pp. 5-19.


  1. Ochieng, E.G. and Price, A.D.F. (2010). Managing cross-cultural communication in multicultural construction project teams: The case of Kenya and UK. International Journal of Project Management, 28 (5), pp. 449-460.


  1. Ochieng, E.G. and Price, A.D.F. (2009). Framework for managing multicultural project teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 16 (6), pp. 527-543.



See Edward’s List of cited Publications

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