Dr Wael Sheta publish his research in the Open House International journal


Dr Wael Sheta, Assistant Professor of Sustainability, co -published his research titled, ‘Labor camps in Dubai: implications of courtyard regulations on daylight performance’ in the Open House International journal.

In this study, the authors, Wael Sheta, Mariam El Hussainy and Sahar Abdelwahab, provided statistical evidence that the current regulations governing courtyards in labour housing resulted in significant changes in daylight levels across different floor levels of the labour housing units.

This study could serve as a framework for analysing and contrasting the findings of other studies on labour accommodation, notably in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

For full research: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OHI-11-2023-0265/full/html

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